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Instrument Xamarin Applications
Before you can monitor your Xamarin application, you will need to instrument your application to enable the Xamarin Agent to collect mobile metrics.
After you have set up and accessed Mobile RUM, follow these instructions:
- Confirm supported platforms
- Understand the limitations of the Xamarin Agent
- Instrument a Xamarin Application
- (Optional) Enable Automatic Instrumentation of Network Requests
- (Optional) Customize the Xamarin Instrumentation
Xamarin Agent Support
Supported Platforms
- iOS and Android platforms
All other platforms will build and run without errors, but no monitoring will occur.
Supported Libraries
- .Net Standard 2.0 (with Xamarin Agent >= 20.10.0)
Xamarin <= 50.2 only supported the instrumentation of applications that reference the Portable Class Libraries (PCL). From Xamarin >= 50.3, the Xamarin Agent only supports the .NET Standard library and the instrumentation of applications that reference the .NET Standard library. If you still need PCL support, you are recommended to use Xamarin <= 50.2.
The Xamarin Agent has these limitations:
- Automatic instrumentation is not supported, so you will need to manually report events and metrics.
- Symbolication is not supported, although the Xamarin Agent does report uncaught exceptions and native application crashes.
Instrument Xamarin Applications
Follow the steps below to manually instrument your Xamarin iOS, Android, and Forms apps.
Add the Xamarin Agent Package
- Get the Xamarin Agent from the NuGet Gallery. Follow the instructions given in Adding a Package to add the package AppDynamics Xamarin Agent from
- Add the Xamarin.Forms package from AppDynamics.Agent.Forms.
- In the
project, add the following toMainActivity.cs
AppDynamics.Droid.Agent.Init(this, bundle);
public class MainActivity : global::Xamarin.Forms.Platform.Android.FormsAppCompatActivity {
protected override void OnCreate(Bundle bundle) {
base.OnCreate(bundle); //existing code
global::Xamarin.Forms.Forms.Init(this, bundle);
AppDynamics.Droid.Agent.Init(this, bundle); //initialize the agent on the Android Platform
LoadApplication(new App());
Get Your Application Key
Complete the Getting Started Wizard to get an EUM App Key. You will need this key when you modify the source code. In some cases, multiple mobile applications can share the same key.
Because there is no Xamarin platform option, you will need to choose either Android or iOS. For Android, you will need to select Manual.
If you have completed the Getting Started Wizard, but don't have your EUM App Key, see Get Your Application Key.
Add the Required Permissions (Android Deployments Only)
Open the file Properties/AndroidManifest.xml
and verify that it has these permissions:
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.INTERNET"></uses-permission>
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.ACCESS_NETWORK_STATE"></uses-permission>
If these permissions are not present, add them to the file Properties/AndroidManifest.xml
Link the AppDynamics Agent Assembly
Forms Solution
Xamarin Forms is the unified development environment for running all platforms. If you try to run something on an unsupported platform, linking our agent won't allow you to monitor the application, but it also will not cause any errors.
To use the Xamarin Agent for your iOS/Android apps, add the using
directive at the top of the App.xaml.cs
using Xamarin.Forms;
using AppDynamics.Agent;
namespace <AppName>
public partial class App : Application
iOS Solution
To use the Xamarin Agent in iOS apps, add the using
directive at the top of the AppDelegate.cs
using Foundation;
using UIKit;
using AppDynamics.Agent;
public class AppDelegate : UIApplicationDelegate
Android Solution
To use the Xamarin Agent in Android apps, add the using directive at the top of the MainActivity.cs
using Android.App;
using Android.Widget;
using Android.OS;
using System;
using Android.Content;
using AppDynamics.Agent;
namespace <AppName>
[Activity(Label = "Phoneword", MainLauncher = true, Icon = "@mipmap/icon")]
public class MainActivity : Activity
Initialize the Agent
To initialize the Xamarin Agent, you use the code below for iOS and Android. Use the EUM app key (enter as a string) that you received after completing step 2.
var config = AppDynamics.Agent.AgentConfiguration.Create(<EUM_APP_KEY>);
If you are running an on-premises EUM Server, you need to specify the URL to the EUM Server. See Point to an On-Premises EUM Server (Optional) to learn how.
Forms Solution
For Forms Solutions, you only need to place the initialize code in the constructor of the App.xaml.cs
file for the Xamarin Agent to instrument both Android and iOS applications.
public App()
// This initialization code is used by both iOS and Android apps.
var config = AppDynamics.Agent.AgentConfiguration.Create(<EUM_APP_KEY>);
MainPage = new FormsExamplePage();
If you have application code in the MainActivity.cs
file for Android or AppDelegate.cs
for iOS that you want to instrument, however, you should initialize the Xamarin Agent in those files as you would do for iOS Solutions and Android Solutions.
iOS Solution
For iOS apps, you place the initialize code In the AppDelegate.cs
file in the method FinishedLaunching
of the class AppDelegate
as shown below.
public class AppDelegate : UIApplicationDelegate
// class-level declarations
public override UIWindow Window
public override bool FinishedLaunching(UIApplication application, NSDictionary launchOptions)
// The two lines below initialize the AppDynamics instrumentation.
var config = AppDynamics.Agent.AgentConfiguration.Create(<EUM_APP_KEY>);
return true;
You may also consider placing it in the Main.cs
int the method Main.
Android Solution
In the MainActivity.cs
file, place the initialization code in the method OnCreate:
class MainActivity {
protected override void OnCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
// The two lines below initialize the AppDynamics instrumentation.
var config = AppDynamics.Agent.AgentConfiguration.Create(<EUM_APP_KEY>);
Build the Application
Run and build your application from Visual Studio. From the Getting Started Wizard, you should see that the application has connected and the instrumentation has been verified.
For iOS projects with Xamarin Agent >= 21.6.0, you must add the additional MtouchExtraArgs
for each simulator
build configuration, such as the debug and release builds. This does not apply for physical device configurations since the static registrar is already the default.
If the iOS project file is edited directly, the build configuration should contain the MtouchExtraArgs
<PropertyGroup Condition=" '$(Configuration)|$(Platform)' == 'Debug|iPhoneSimulator' ">
(Optional) Enable Automatic Instrumentation of Network Requests
is a different NuGet package (currently in beta) that can be used to automatically instrument network requests.
Both HttpClient and Refit network requests are supported.
Set Up the AppDynamics.Agent.AutoInstrument.Fody
Add the
package.To install the
beta package, check the "Include prereleases" option in order for the version to be displayed.- Build the solution.
After you build the solution, two files should be generated automatically:
These files should be checked into source control.
If the above files are not generated automatically, a new file called
should be created manually with the following content:<Weavers xmlns:xsi="" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="FodyWeavers.xsd"> <AppDynamics.Agent.AutoInstrument /> </Weavers>
C#If the project is already using
, these files will already be there and only theFodyWeavers.xml
file has to be updated to include theAppDynamics.Agent.AutoInstrument
weaver.For example:
<Weavers xmlns:xsi="" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="FodyWeavers.xsd"> ... Existing weavers ... <AppDynamics.Agent.AutoInstrument /> </Weavers>
C# - (Optional) Customize the Automatic Network Request Instrumentation.
(Optional) Customize Your Instrumentation
The Xamarin SDK has additional classes to allow you to extend the kinds of application data you can collect and aggregate using Mobile RUM. See Customize the Xamarin Instrumentation.
(Optional) Point to an On-Premises EUM Server
To use an on-premises EUM Server, you pass the URL to the on-premises EUM Server when you initialize the instrumentation with the EUM App Key from Get Your Application Key:
var config = AppDynamics.Agent.AgentConfiguration.Create(<EUM_APP_KEY>);
config.CollectorURL = <COLLECTOR_URL:PORT>;
Upgrade the Xamarin Agent
As new features are added to the agent, you will need to upgrade the Xamarin Agent package in your app.
- From Visual Studio, open the Xamarin application that has the AppDynamics Agent package.
- From the Packages folder, select the AppDynamics Agent.
- Right-click and click Update.