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Download page Configure the Cluster Agent.
Configure the Cluster Agent
This page describes the contents of the Cluster Agent bundle downloaded from the Download portal, and how to perform common configuration tasks:
See Cluster Agent YAML File Configuration Reference for configuration option details.
This page contains links to Kubernetes documentation. AppDynamics makes no representation as to the accuracy of Kubernetes documentation because Kubernetes controls its own documentation.
Directory Structure of the Cluster Agent Bundle
An unzipped Cluster Agent bundle contains this directory structure:
├── cluster-agent-operator.yaml
├── appdynamics-operator-alpine-linux-amd64-21.12.0-88
├── cluster-agent-operator-openshift-1.15-or-less.yaml
├── cluster-agent-operator-openshift.yaml
├── cluster-agent.yaml
├── infraviz.yaml
└── docker
├── Dockerfile
└── start-appdynamics
└── helm-charts
├── Chart.yaml
├── crds
├── templates
└── values.yaml
├── cluster-agent-operator.yaml
├── appdynamics-operator-rhel-linux-amd64-21.12.0-88
├── cluster-agent-operator-openshift-1.15-or-less.yaml
├── cluster-agent-operator-openshift.yaml
├── cluster-agent.yaml
└── docker
├── Dockerfile-rhel
└── start-appdynamics
└── helm-charts
├── Chart.yaml
├── crds
├── templates
└── values.yaml
Cluster Agent Bundle Files
This table describes the Cluster Agent directory files:
File Name | Description |
appdynamics-operator-alpine-linux-amd64-21.12.0-88 | The AppDynamics Operator artifacts contain Dockerfile, operator binary, licenses and scripts, which are used to build Alpine-based Operator Images. |
appdynamics-operator-rhel-linux-amd64-21.12.0-88 | The AppDynamics Operator artifacts contain Dockerfile-rhel, operator binary, licenses and scripts, which are used to build Rhel-based Operator Images. |
| File used to configure and deploy the Cluster Agent.
| Files used to deploy the Cluster Agent Operator. These files set the default values for Kubernetes, Amazon EKS, and AKS, including a minimal set of RBAC permissions. |
| Files used to deploy the Cluster Agent on Red Hat OpenShift. These files set the default values for Red Hat OpenShift, including a minimal set of RBAC permissions. |
| Docker directory contains all files required to create the Cluster Agent image. |
| dockerfile used to create the Alpine-based Cluster Agent image. |
Dockerfile-rhel | dockerfile used to create the Rhel-based Cluster Agent image. |
infraviz.yaml | File used to configure and deploy the InfraViz.
LICENSE | Latest EULA file attached with the Cluster Agent image. |
| Zip archive containing the Cluster Agent binaries and configuration files. |
helm-charts | Folder used to build the charts for deploying the Cluster Agent using Helm in Kubernetes. |
| Contains instructions on how to start the Cluster Agent using your preferred operating system. |
| Script used to run the Cluster Agent within Docker. |
Configure Proxy Support
Locate and edit the
file.Add a
parameter to thecluster-agent.yaml
file:proxyUrl: <protocol>://<host>:<port>
TEXT(Optional) If the proxy server requires authentication:
Add a
:proxyUser: <user>
CODECreate a
with aproxy-password
:kubectl -n appdynamics create secret generic cluster-agent-proxy-secret --from-literal=proxy-password='<password>'
- (Optional) If you are using SSL only for your proxy:
Create a
from a.pem
certificate file (the certificate file must be namedproxy-ssl.pem)
:kubectl -n appdynamics create secret generic ssl-cert --from-file=proxy-ssl.pem
TEXTSet a secret filename in the
file:customSSLSecret: “ssl-cert”
To use SSL with your proxy and your Controller, see Proxy and On-Premises Certificates Combined.
Configure the Cluster Agent to Use SSL for On-Premises Controllers
Cluster Agent SSL is automatically handled for SaaS Controllers.
Controllers with Public and Self-Signed Certificates
To configure SSL with a public or self-signed certificate, use kubectl
to generate a secret. Enter this kubectl
command, and include the path to your public or self-signed certificate:
kubectl -n appdynamics create secret generic ssl-cert --from-file=<path-to-your-self-signed-certs>/custom-ssl.pem
The certificate file must be named: custom-ssl.pem
After your secret is created, you must add the customSSLSecret
property with the secret name specified in the previous step to the cluster-agent.yaml
customSSLSecret: “ssl-cert”
Proxy and On-Premises Certificates Combined
If you have two different SSL certificates (one for the proxy server, and a different one for the on-premises Controller), then you can encapsulate both of them into a single secret:
kubectl -n appdynamics create secret generic ssl-cert --from-file=proxy-ssl.pem --from-file=<path-to-your-self-signed-certs>/custom-ssl.pem
The Cluster Agent pulls each certificate from the secret identified in the customSSLSecret
attribute and uses it appropriately.
This example shows a cluster-agent.yaml
file with the customSSLSecret
attribute defined:
kind: Clusteragent
name: k8s-cluster-agent-manual
namespace: appdynamics
# init agent configuration
appName: "test-k8s-cluster-agent"
controllerUrl: "https://<controller-url>:443" # always schema and port
account: "<account-name>" # account
# agent related properties
# custom SSL secret name
customSSLSecret: "ssl-cert"
# logging properties
logLevel: INFO
logFileSizeMb: 7
logFileBackups: 6
# docker image info
image: "<image-url>"
If the Cluster Agent requires a secret to pull images from a container registry, use the Kubernetes API to create the secret and reference it in cluster-agent.yaml
$ kubectl -n appdynamics create secret docker-registry myregcred --docker-server= --docker-username=<docker-username> --docker-password=<docker-password> --docker-email=unused
$ oc -n appdynamics create secret docker-registry myregcred --docker-server= --docker-username=<docker-username> --docker-password=<docker-password> --docker-email=unused
$ oc -n appdynamics secrets link appdynamics-operator regcred --for=pull
Set the imagePullSecret
property in cluster-agent.yaml
to the name of the secret created above (myregcred
kind: Clusteragent
name: k8s-cluster-agent
namespace: appdynamics
appName: "mycluster"
controllerUrl: "http://<appdynamics-controller-host>:8080"
account: "<account-name>"
image: "<your-docker-registry>/appdynamics/cluster-agent:tag"
serviceAccountName: appdynamics-cluster-agent
imagePullSecret: "myregcred"
Cluster Agent YAML
File Configuration Reference
To configure the Cluster Agent, use the cluster-agent.yaml
file included with the download package as a template. You can modify these parameters:
Parameter | Description | Example | Default | Dynamically Configurable? | Type | Required? |
| AppDynamics account name. | admin | N/A | No | String | Required |
| Name of the cluster; displays in the Controller UI as your cluster name. | k8s-cluster | N/A | No | String | Required |
| Full AppDynamics Controller URL, including protocol and port. | HTTP: HTTPS: | N/A | No | String | Required |
| Provides the self-signed or public certificates to the Cluster Agent. | "ssl-cert" | N/A | No | String | Optional |
| How often Kubernetes warning and state-change events are uploaded to the Controller in seconds. See Kubernetes イベントのモニタ. | 10 | 10 | No | Integer | Optional |
| If no response is received from the Controller, number of seconds after which the server call is terminated. | 30 | 30 | No | Integer | Optional |
| Cluster Agent image. | your-docker-registry/appdynamics/cluster-agent:latest | N/A | No | String | Required |
| Credential file used to authenticate when pulling images from your private Docker registry or repository. Based on your Docker registry configuration, you may need to create a secret file for the AppDynamics Operator to use when pulling the image for the Cluster Agent. See Create a Secret by providing credentials on the command line. | regcred | N/A | No | String | Optional |
instrumentationMaxPollingAttempts | The maximum number of times Cluster Agent checks for the successful rollout of instrumentation before marking it as failed. | instrumentationMaxPollingAttempts: 15 | 10 | Yes | integer | Optional |
labels | Adds any required pod labels to the Cluster Agent pod. | labels: | The following labels are created by default and cannot be modified: The key value pairs that you specify for this parameter gets added to the Cluster Agent pod along with the default value. | No | map[string]string | Optional |
| Maximum file size of the log in MB. | 5 | 5 | Yes | Integer | Optional |
| Maximum number of backups saved in the log. When the maximum number of backups is reached, the oldest log file after the initial log file is deleted. | 3 | 3 | Yes | Integer | Optional |
| Number of log details. INFO , WARNING , DEBUG , or TRACE . | "INFO" |
| Yes | String | Optional |
maxPodLogsTailLinesCount | Number of lines to be tailed while collecting logs. To use this parameter, enable the log capturing feature. See 失敗したポッドのログ収集の有効化. | 500 | 500 | Yes | Integer | Optional |
| The Cluster Agent pod runs on the node that includes the specified key-value pair within its labels property. See nodeSelector. | nodeSelector: az1 | N/A | No | map[string]string | Optional |
| Namespaces to be monitored in the cluster. | nsToMonitor: - "default" | default | No | String List (Sequence) | Optional |
nsToMonitorRegex | The regular expression for selecting the required namespaces to be monitored in the cluster. This parameter supersedes This parameter is supported in Cluster Agent >= 20.9, and Controller >= 20.10. See Edit Namespaces. | nsToMonitorRegex: .* | N/A | Yes | Regular expression | Optional |
nsToExcludeRegex | The regular expression for the namespaces that must be excluded from the selected namespaces that match the regular expression mentioned for This parameter is supported in Cluster Agent >= 20.9, and Controller >= 20.10. This parameter can be used only if you have specified a value for the | nsToExcludeRegex: ns.* | N/A | Yes | Regular expression | Optional |
| Blocklist or allowlist pods based on:
Blocklisting or allowlisting by name takes preference over blocklisting or allowlisting by labels. For example, if you have the podFilter: blocklistedLabels: allowlistedNames: This blocks all the pods which have the label '
| podFilter: | N/A | Yes | String | Optional |
| Publicly accessible host name of the proxy. | | N/A | No | String | Optional |
| Username associated with the basic authentication credentials. | "user1" | N/A | No | String | Optional |
resources | Requests and limits of CPU and memory resources for the Cluster Agent. | resources: |
| Yes | Array | Optional |
| By default, the Cluster Agent writes to a log file in the | "true", "false" | true | Yes | String | Optional |
| An array of tolerations required for the pod. See Taint and Tolerations. | tolerations: key: type - effect: NoExecute key: | N/A | No | Array | Optional |
For specific auto-instrumentation configurations, see Auto-Instrument Applications with the Cluster Agent. Also the .yaml
file includes the permissions for auto-instrumentation, which is enabled by default. If you do not want to use auto-instrumentation, you can remove the following text from the .yaml
kind: ClusterRoleBinding
name: appdynamics-cluster-agent-instrumentation
- kind: ServiceAccount
name: appdynamics-cluster-agent
namespace: appdynamics
kind: ClusterRole
name: appdynamics-cluster-agent-instrumentation
Cluster Agent File Example
This example shows a cluster-agent.yaml
configuration file:
kind: Clusteragent
name: k8s-cluster-agent
namespace: appdynamics
appName: "<app-name>"
controllerUrl: "<protocol>://<appdynamics-controller-host>:8080"
account: "<account-name>"
# docker image info
image: "<your-docker-registry>/appdynamics/cluster-agent:tag"
- "default"
eventUploadInterval: 10
containerRegistrationInterval: 120
httpClientTimeout: 30
customSSLSecret: "<secret-name>"
proxyUrl: "<protocol>://<domain>:<port>"
proxyUser: "<proxy-user>"
metricsSyncInterval: 30
clusterMetricsSyncInterval: 60
metadataSyncInterval: 60
containerBatchSize: 25
containerParallelRequestLimit: 3
podBatchSize: 30
metricUploadRetryCount: 3
metricUploadRetryIntervalMilliSeconds: 5
# blocklistedLabels:
# - label1: value1
# allowlistedLabels:
# - label1: value1
# - label2: value2
# allowlistedNames:
# - name1
# blocklistedNames:
# - name2
logLevel: "INFO"
logFileSizeMb: 5
logFileBackups: 3
stdoutLogging: "true"
cpu: 300m
memory: "200Mi"
cpu: 200m
memory: "100Mi"
key1: value1
key2: value2