There are two event types in Kubernetes:

  • Normal events
  • Warning events

See Application Introspection and Debugging for more information on Kubernetes events. AppDynamics reports a subset of these as Cluster Events. They are comprised of Kubernetes warning events and important informational notices concerning state changes in the cluster. An example of a state change is a pod transitioning from a pending to a running state.

This document contains links to Kubernetes documentation. AppDynamics makes no representation as to the accuracy of Kubernetes documentation because Kubernetes controls its own documentation.

Cluster Event of type warning displays a yellow warning icon. When a Pod, Replicaset, or Deployment gets added, updated, or deleted, otherwise known as a state change, the Cluster Agent reports it as an Info type event and displays a  blue info icon.

To access Cluster Event data:

  1. Click the Servers tab.
  2. On the navigation bar, select Events. A panel displays a list of events that have been reported from both servers and clusters. To check for specific events, you can use the Filters option.
  3. Click Add to add a filter and select the desired filters from the available list.
  4. Click Apply. The list of events is filtered to show only the selected events.
  5. Double-click the individual Cluster Event. A dialog displays showing a Cluster Event summary.
    Cluster Event Summary and Logs

    The Logs tab displays the log details. See Enable Log Collection for Failing Pods.

  6. Click X to close the dialog.