This page lists the agent enhancements for all calendar-versioned agent releases.

21.x Agent Releases

Analytics Agent

Version 21.12.0

There was no release for 21.12.0.

Version 21.11.0

There was no release for 21.11.0.

Version 21.10.0 - October 28, 2021

This release includes bug fixes.

Version 21.9.0 - September 23, 2021

This release includes bug fixes.

Version 21.8.0

There was no release for 21.8.0.

Version 21.7.0 - July 26, 2021

This release includes:

  • Authentication to pipeline resources
  • libjpeg upgrades
  • Java Runtime Environment (JRE) upgrade to version 1.8.0_292

Version 21.6.0 - June 24, 2021

This release includes the Netty third-party library upgrade to version 4.1.65.Final.

Version 21.5.0 - May 27, 2021

This release includes the third-party library upgrades:

  • Jetty upgrade to version 2.34. 
  • Netty upgrade to version 4.1.63.Final.

Version 21.4.0 - April 22, 2021

This release includes the Jetty third-party library upgrade to version 9.4.39.v20210325. 

Version 21.3.0 – March 25, 2021

This release includes the following enhancements:

  • The Analytics Agent bundled in Machine Agent 20.8 has enhanced improvements
  • The Analytics Agent Jetty libraries are upgraded
  • The Analytics Agent Jersey is upgraded
  • The Dropwizard and Hibernate Validator libraries are upgraded
  • The unused HTTP methods in Analytics Agent have been disabled

Version 21.2.1 – February 25, 2021

The following third-party libraries have been upgraded.

  • com.fasterxml.jackson.core:jackson-databind:2.12.0
  • commons-io:commons-io:2.8.0
  • guava: 30.0-jre
  • httpclient: 4.5.13
  • jackson-core: 2.12.0

  • jackson-databind: 2.12.0

  • jetty-server to 9.4.30.v20200611.jar
  • jetty-webapp to 9.4.33.v20201020.jar
  • junit:junit:4.13.1
  • netty-all: 4.1.55
  • org.apache.ant:ant:1.10.9
  • org.apache.httpcomponents:httpclient:4.5.13
  • org.bouncycastle: bcprov-jdk15on:1.67
  • org.eclipse.jetty:jetty-server:9.4.35.v20201120
  • org.eclipse.jetty:jetty-webapp:9.4.35.v20201120
  • org.exist-db.thirdparty.xerces:xercesImpl:2.12.1
  • org.hibernate: hibernate-validator:6.1.6.Final

Version 21.1.0 

There was no release for 21.1.

Android Agent 

Version 21.12.0

There was no release for 21.12.0.

Version 21.11.1 - November 2, 2021

This release includes minor fixes and optimizations.

Version 21.10.0

There was no release for 21.10.0.

Version 21.9.0

There was no release for 21.9.0.

Version 21.8.0

There was no release for 21.8.0.

Version 21.7.0

There was no release for 21.7.0.

Version - June 22, 2021

Android Agent includes a customization to attach a custom user data property to a network request.

Version 21.5.0 - May 17, 2021

Android Agent 21.5.0 released with minor enhancements and fixes.

Version 21.4.0

There was no release for 21.4.0.

Version 21.3.0

There was no release for 21.3.0.

Version 21.2.0 - February 18, 2021

Android Agent 21.2.0 released with minor bug fixes and API enhancements:

Manual and automatic screenshots are limited to one screenshot per 10-second interval.

Version 21.1.0 

There was no release for 21.1.

Apache Web Server Agent 

Version 21.12.3 - December 22, 2021

This release upgrades the Apache log4j library to version 2.17.0.

Version 21.12.2 - December 22, 2021

This release upgrades the Apache log4j library to version 2.17.0.

Version 21.12.1 - December 15, 2021

This release upgrades the Apache log4j library to 2.16.0.

Version 21.11.0

There was no release for 21.11.0.

Version 21.10.0

There was no release for 21.10.0.

Version 21.9.0

There was no release for 21.9.0.

Version 21.8.0

There was no release for 21.8.0.

Version 21.7.0 - July 14, 2021

This release allows you to configure the cleanup timer AppDynamicsRequestCacheCleanupInterval. You can use this configuration for Java proxy to clean up the request cache. See, Past Agent Releases.

Version 21.6.0

There was no release for 21.6.0.

Version 21.5.0

There was no release for 21.5.0.

Version 21.4.0

There was no release for 21.4.0.

Version 21.3.0 

There was no release for 21.3.

Version 21.2.0 

There was no release for 21.2.

Version 21.1.0 

There was no release for 21.1.

AppDynamics AWS Lambda Extension for Serverless APM

Version 21.12.0

There was no release for 21.12.0.

Version 21.11.0

There was no release for 21.11.0.

Version 21.10.0

There was no release for 21.10.0.

Version 21.9.0

There was no release for 21.9.0.

Version 21.8.0

There was no release for 21.8.0.

Version 21.7.0

There was no release for 21.7.0.

Version 21.6.0

There was no release for 21.6.0.

Version 21.5.0 - May 10, 2021

To use AppDynamics AWS Lambda Extension for Serverless APM, choose ARN 10 which corresponds to these versions 

Version 21.4.0

There was no release for 21.4.0.

Version 21.3.0

There was no release for 21.3.

Version 21.2.0 

There was no release for 21.2.

Version 21.1.0 

There was no release for 21.1.


Version 21.12.0

There was no release for 21.12.0.

Version 21.11.0

There was no release for 21.11.0.

Version 21.10.0

There was no release for 21.10.0.

Version 21.9.0

There was no release for 21.9.0.

Version 21.8.0

There was no release for 21.8.0.

Version 21.7.4 - July 28, 2021

This release includes upgrades to Data Filters and input strings.

Version 21.6.0

There was no release for 21.6.0.

Version 21.5.0

There was no release for 21.5.0.

Version 21.4.0

There was no release for 21.4.0.

Version 21.3.0

There was no release for 21.3.

Version 21.2.0 

There was no release for 21.2.

Version 21.1.0 

There was no release for 21.1.

Cluster Agent

Version 21.12.0 - December 20, 2021

This release includes these enhancements:

  • The AppDynamics Operator 21.12.0 is a major release and is compatible with Cluster Agent >= 21.12.0 only. The earlier release versions <= 0.6.11 work only with Cluster Agent versions<= 21.10.0.
  • AppDynamics Operator release 21.12.0 is secure and the images contain no CVEs.
  • Cluster Agent Helm Charts version 1.1.0 is a major release. It is only compatible with Cluster Agent >= 21.12.0 and AppDynamics Operator >= 21.12.0. The earlier versions of helm charts (versions<= 0.1.19) works with only Cluster Agent <= 21.10.0 and AppDynamics Operator <= 0.6.11.
  • You can now use Cluster Agent Helm Charts to install Infrastructure Visibility. Also, you can use Cluster Agent Helm charts to install Cluster Agent and Infrastructure Visibility simultaneously.

  • You can get the Operator artifacts embedded in the Cluster Agent artifacts from the download portal to create custom Operator Images.
  • AppDynamics Operator Github account will be deprecated after December 31, 2021.

Version 21.11.0

There was no release for 21.11.0.

Version 21.10.0 - October 28, 2021

This release includes the following enhancements:

  • The Cluster Agent go language version is upgraded.
  • You can now use the overrideVolumneMounts property in the infraviz.yaml file to list the volumes that you require to mount. 
  • The installClusterAgent property is introduced to install Cluster Agent with Helm chart. See Install the Cluster Agent with Helm Charts.

Version 21.9.0

There was no release for 21.9.0.

Version 21.8.0

There was no release for 21.8.0.

Version 21.7.0 - July 28, 2021

This release includes these enhancements:

  • The Infrastructure Visibility properties for enableServerViz, enableContainerHostId and enableDockerViz variables have changed to boolean to make these variable datatypes consistent. See, InfraViz Configuration Settings on Past Agent Releases.
  • You can now add labels to the Cluster Agent pod by using labels in the Cluster Agent Configuration file. See, labels on Past Agent Releases.
  • The Cluster Agent uses the CustomResourceDefinitions API version that is not supported in newer versions of Kubernetes. Therefore, the CustomResourceDefinitions API for the Cluster Agent operator is updated for Kubernetes 1.16 and later to support monitoring Kubernetes v1.22 and later.

Version 21.6.0

There was no release for 21.6.0.

Version 21.5.0 - May 25, 2021

You can now use resourcesNetViz parameter within the infraviz.yaml filet to set the resources for the Network Visibility container.

Version 21.4.0

There was no release for 21.4.0.

Version 21.3.1 – March 26, 2021

This release includes the support for Infrastructure Visibility with Cluster Agent. You can now use the infraviz.yaml file with Cluster Agent Operator. For more information, see Install Infrastructure Visibility with the Kubernetes CLI.

Version 21.3.0 – March 25, 2021

This release of Cluster Agent does not include any enhancement but fixes some minor issues.

Version 21.2.0 – February 24, 2021

This release of Cluster Agent includes the following updates:

Version 21.1.0 

There was no release for 21.1.

Cordova Plugin

Version 21.12.0

There was no release for 21.12.0.

Version 21.11.0

There was no release for 21.11.0.

Version 21.10.0

There was no release for 21.10.0.

Version 21.9.0

There was no release for 21.9.0.

Version 21.8.0

There was no release for 21.8.0.

Version 21.7.0

There was no release for 21.7.0.

Version 21.6.0

There was no release for 21.6.0.

Version 21.5.0 - May 18, 2021

Cordova Plugin 21.5.0 release includes iOS and Android Agents 21.5.0

Version 21.4.0

There was no release for 21.4.0.

Version 21.3.0 

There was no release for 21.3.

Version 21.2.1 – February 19, 2021

Cordova Plugin 21.2.1 released with minor fixes and enhancements, and includes the latest version of the iOS and Android Agents.

Version 21.1.0 

There was no release for 21.1.

Database Agent

Version 21.12.4 - December 29, 2021

This release upgrades the log4j library to 2.17.1.

Version 21.12.3 - December 22, 2021

This release includes a bug fix. See Agent Resolved Issues.

Version 21.12.2 - December 20, 2021

This release upgrades the log4j library to 2.17.0.

Version 21.12.1 - December 15, 2021

This release upgrades the log4j library to 2.16.0.

Version 21.12.0 - December 11, 2021

This release includes upgrades to the following Database Agent libraries:


Upgraded Version


Version 21.11.0 - November 22, 2021

This release includes these enhancements:

  • You can now connect to an MSSQL cluster using SSL. See Monitor SSL-enabled Microsoft SQL Database.
  • These libraries are upgraded:

    • commons-io version 2.11.0
    • netty-codec and netty-handler version 4.1.69.Final
    • commons-dbcp2 version 2.9.0
    • mysql-connector-java version 8.0.26
    • jackson-dataformat-cbor version 2.13.0
    • jackson-annotations version 2.13.0
    • jackson-core version 2.13.0
    • jackson-databind version 2.13.0
    • jackson-dataformat-yaml version 2.13.0
    • jackson-dataformat-xml version 2.13.0
    • jackson-datatype-guava version 2.13.0
    • jackson-module-guice version 2.13.0

Version 21.10.0

There was no release for 21.10.0.

Version 21.9.0 - September 24, 2021

This release provides support for the following roles of the MongoDB replica sets and the shard clusters:

  • primary
  • secondary
  • startup
  • recovering
  • startup2
  • unknown
  • arbiter
  • down
  • rollback

To view these roles on the Topology tab, you require the Database Agent version >= 21.9 and Controller version >= 21.11.

Version 21.8.0

There was no release for 21.8.0.

Version 21.7.0 - July 22, 2021

This release includes bug fixes.

Version - June 23, 2021

This release included resolved issues. For the list of resolved issues, see Past Agent Resolved Issues.

Version 21.5.0

There was no release for 21.5.0.

Version 21.4.0 - April 21, 2021

This release includes the following enhancements:

You can now view:

Version 21.3.0 

There was no release for 21.3.

Version 21.2.0 – February 17, 2021

This release of Database Agent collects additional Couchbase metrics. For the list of resolved issues, see Past Agent Resolved Issues.

Version 21.1.0 

There was no release for 21.1.


Version 21.12.0

There was no release for 21.12.0.

Version 21.11.0

There was no release for 21.11.0.

Version 21.10.0

There was no release for 21.10.0.

Version 21.9.0

There was no release for 21.9.0.

Version 21.8.0

There was no release for 21.8.0.

Version 21.7.0

There was no release for 21.7.0.

Version 21.6.0

There was no release for 21.6.0.

Version 21.5.0

There was no release for 21.5.0.

Version 21.4.0

There was no release for 21.4.0.

Version 21.3.0 

There was no release for 21.3.

Version 21.2.0 

There was no release for 21.2.

Version 21.1.0 

There was no release for 21.1.

IBM Integration Bus Agent

Version 21.12.0 

There was no release for 21.12.0.

Version 21.11.0 

There was no release for 21.11.0.

Version 21.10.0 

There was no release for 21.10.0.

Version 21.9.0 - September 29, 2021

This release includes the bug fixes for cross-application Business Transaction correlation and percentile metrics registration.

Version 21.8.0 

There was no release for 21.8.0.

Version 21.7.0 

There was no release for 21.7.0.

Version 21.6.0 

There was no release for 21.6.0.

Version 21.5.0 - May 27, 2021

The IIB Agent 21.5.0 is released with bug fixes for cross-app BT correlation.

Version 21.4.1 - April 27, 2021

The IIB Agent 21.4.1 release introduces the Flow Visibility feature. The timings are collected only for flow start and end and any external calls made from within a flow. Therefore, the expected CPU cost of instrumenting the flows with the agent is reduced, especially for complex flows. See IIB Agent Flow Level Visibility.

Version 21.4.0 - April 5, 2021

The IIB Agent 21.4.0 release introduces the cross-application Business Transaction correlation feature that helps you to correlate the business transactions passing through an IIB application.

Version 21.3.0 

There was no release for 21.3.

Version 21.2.0 

There was no release for 21.2.

Version 21.1.0 

There was no release for 21.1.

iOS Agent

Version 21.12.0 - December 7, 2021

This release includes a local config setting for the fetch flag in JavaScript Agent Injection. This setting can be found in the SDK documentation. See AppDynamics iOS SDK.

Version 21.11.0

There was no release for 21.11.0.

Version 21.10.0

There was no release for 21.10.0.

Version 21.9.0

There was no release for 21.9.0.

Version 21.8.1 - August 13, 2021

This hotfix release includes changing the beacon handler NSURLSession back to NSURLConnection.

Version 21.8.0 - August 9, 2021

This release includes replacing NSURLConnection with NSURLSession to send beacon data to the collector.

Version 21.7.0

There was no release for 21.7.0.

Version 21.6.1 - July 23, 2021

iOS Agent 21.6.1 release fixed a bug that caused a crash during collector traffic when the device network is unavailable.

Version - June 22, 2021

iOS Agent release includes a customization to attach a custom user data property to a network request.

Version 21.5.0 - May 12, 2021

iOS Agent 21.5.0 released with minor enhancements and fixes.

Version 21.4.0

There was no release for 21.4.0.

Version 21.3.0 

There was no release for 21.3.

Version 21.2.0 – February 16, 2021

Manual and automatic screenshots are limited to one screenshot per 10-second interval. See See Past Resolved and Known Issues by Release. and iOS SDK Documentation.

Version 21.1.0 

There was no release for 21.1.

Java Agent

Version 21.12.0

There was no release for 21.12.0.

Version 21.11.4 - January 7, 2022

This release includes:

Version 21.11.3 - December 20, 2021

This release upgrades Apache Log4j to version 2.17.0.

Version 21.11.2 - December 15, 2021

This release upgrades Apache Log4j to version 2.16.0.

Version 21.11.1 - December 10, 2021

This release upgrades Apache Log4j to version 2.15.0.

Version 21.11.0 - December 3, 2021

This release includes support for:

See Java Supported Environments.

Version 21.10.0 - October 21, 2021

This release adds support for:

  • GraalVM version 21.3.0
  • JBoss Wildfly version 25.x
  • OkHttp version 4.9.2
  • gRPC version 1.40.x
  • Kafka version 2.8.1
  • logback version 1.2.3

See Java Supported Environments.

Version 21.9.0 - September 28, 2021

This release adds support for JBoss EAP 7.3. See Java Supported Environments.

Version 21.8.0 - August 24, 2021

This release includes the upgraded versions of grpc-netty-shaded and snakeyaml for Java Agent.

Version 21.7.0 - August 11, 2021

This release adds support for the following:

Version 21.6.1 - July 12, 2021

This release adds entry support for Mule 4.2.x. 

Version 21.5.0 - May 26, 2021

Java Agent 21.5.0 released with minor enhancements and fixes.

Version 21.4.0 - April 20, 2021

Version 21.3.0 – March 23, 2021

Version 21.2.0 – February 15, 2021

The Java Agent 21.2.0 adds a new property to truncate the length of SQL statements. For more information, see App Agent Node Properties.

Version 21.1.1 - January 28, 2021

Version 21.1.0 - January 18, 2021

Java Agent 21.1.0 adds support for OOTB Detection for Maria DB. For more information, see Java Supported Environments.

JavaScript Agent

Version 21.12.0 - December 16, 2021

This release includes:

  • Angular 12 support with JS Agent 21.12.0
  • Optimization to detect Content Security Policy (CSP) violations

Version 21.11.0

There was no release for 21.11.0.

Version 21.10.0

There was no release for 21.10.0.

Version 21.9.0

There was no release for 21.9.0.

Version 21.8.0

There was no release for 21.8.0.

Version 21.7.0 - July 21, 2021

The JavaScript Agent 21.7.0 includes:

Controller 21.9.0 will support auto-injection for JavaScript 21.7.0.

Version 21.6.0 - June 29, 2021

The JavaScript Agent 21.6.0 release includes:

Version 21.5.0

There was no release for 21.5.0.

Version 21.4.0

This release includes bug fixes.

Version 21.3.0 

There was no release for 21.3.

Version 21.2.0 – February 17, 2021

See Past Resolved and Known Issues by Release.

Version 21.1.0 

There was no release for 21.1.

Java Serverless Tracer

Version 21.12.0

There was no release for 21.12.0.

Version 21.11.0

There was no release for 21.11.0.

Version 21.10.0

There was no release for 21.10.0.

Version 21.9.0

There was no release for 21.9.0.

Version 21.8.0

There was no release for 21.8.0.

Version 21.7.0

There was no release for 21.7.0.

Version 21.6.0

There was no release for 21.6.0.

Version 21.5.0

There was no release for 21.5.0.

Version 21.4.0

There was no release for 21.4.0.

Version 21.3.0 

There was no release for 21.3.

Version 21.2.0 

There was no release for 21.2.

Version 21.1.0 

There was no release for 21.1.

Machine Agent

Version 21.12.7 - September 2, 2022

This release enables users to specify a custom JRE location for the Machine Agent on Windows. To do so:

  • Set up an environment variable named APPD_MACHINE_AGENT_JRE_HOME and set its value to the JRE home folder.
  • Uninstall the existing Windows service for the Machine Agent.
  • Unzip the development build and reinstall the Windows service for the Machine Agent. When the service restarts, it should pick up the specified JRE.
  • Restart the service if the value of the environmental variable is changed again.

Version 21.12.6 - January 17, 2022

This release removes the singularity-log4j library. This library corresponds to Apache log4j 1.0.

Version 21.12.5 - January 7, 2022

This release upgrades the Apache log4j library to 2.17.1.

Version 21.12.4 - December 20, 2021

This release upgrades the Apache log4j library to 2.17.0.

Version 21.12.3 - December 17, 2021

This release reverts a 21.11.0 enhancement that reported Duplex and MTU metrics on Windows.

Version 21.12.2 - December 15, 2021

This release contains bug fixes.

Version 21.12.1 - December 15, 2021

This release upgrades the Apache log4j library to 2.16.0.

Version 21.12.0 - December 11, 2021

This release includes the following enhancements:

  • Apache log4j library upgraded to 2.15.0
  • xercesImpl library upgraded to 2.12.1

Version 21.11.0 - November 24, 2021

This release includes:

  • Linux only: JRE 11 upgraded to Zulu 11.52, which corresponds to JDK Version 11.0.13
  • Rest of OS: JRE 8 upgraded to Zulu 8.58, which corresponds to JDK Version 8u312
  • Enhancement to report Duplex and MTU metrics on Windows environments

Version 21.10.0 - November 2, 2021

This release includes Analytics Agent fixes that are bundled in the Machine Agent.

Version 21.9.0 - September 23, 2021

The following third-party libraries have been upgraded:

  • Ant: 1.10.11-rc1

Version 21.8.0 

There was no release for 21.8.0.

Version 21.7.0 - July 27, 2021

This release includes improvements to the Activate HTTP Listener. See Machine Agent HTTP Listener.

Version 21.6.0 - June 24, 2021

The Machine Agent 21.6.0 release includes:

  • Changed the Process Metrics Count and Total Process Count Dynamic Monitoring Mode metric defaults from "Diagnostic" to "KPI". See Default Monitoring Mode.

  • Has updated JRE 8 from Java 8 Azul Zulu build version 8.52 to 8.54.

  • Has updated JRE 11 from Java 11 Azul Zulu build version 11.45 to 11.48.

The following third-party libraries have been upgraded:

  • Bouncy Castle 1.69
  • Commons-IO 2.10.0
  • Dropwizard 2.0.22
  • Jetty 9.4.41.v20210516
  • Oshi 5.7.4

Version 21.5.0-3130 - May 19, 2021

Machine Agent 21.5.0 release:

  • Deprecates the property.

Upgrades these third-party libraries:

  • Ant 1.10.10
  • Dropwizard 2.0.21
  • Fabric8-Kubernetes 4.13.3
  • Jackson 2.12.3

  • Jetty
  • OSHI 5.7.2

Version 21.4.0-3075 - April 22, 2021

This release of Machine Agent :

  • has updated Java 8 Azul to build version 8.52 and Java 11 Azul to build version 11.45.

  • supports diskstats output for Linux kernel versions >= 4.18

The following third-party libraries have been upgraded.

  • dropwizard: 2.0.20
  • guava: 30.0-jre
  • Fabric8 Kubernetes: 4.13.2
  • jackson-core: 2.12.0

  • jackson-databind: 2.12.0

  • jetty-server to
  • Log4j2: 2.14.1

Version 21.3.0-3059 – March 25, 2021

The Machine Agent release is bundled with the latest releases of the Analytics Agent and Network Agent.

Version 21.2.0 – February 25, 2021

The Machine Agent has been updated, tested, and certified to work with the following:

    • org.eclipse.jetty:jetty-server 9.4.36.v20210114
    • org.eclipse.jetty:jetty-servlet 9.4.36.v20210114
    • org.eclipse.jetty:jetty-servlets 9.4.36.v20210114
    • org.bouncycastle:bcprov-jdk15on 1.68
    • commons-net:commons-net 3.7.2
    • commons-codec:commons-codec 1.15
    • commons-validator:commons-validator 1.7
    • io.dropwizard:dropwizard-jetty 2.0.18
    • io.dropwizard:dropwizard-util 2.0.18
    • 30.1-jre
    • com.fasterxml.jackson.* 2.12.1
    • io.fabric8:kubernetes-client 4.13.1

Version 21.1.1 – June 11, 2021

  • The Machine Agent resolved an issue with the NoClassDefFoundError: java/sql/SQLException. The extension class loader now uses a parent loader for any Java classes.

Version 21.1.0 – January 22, 2021

  • The Machine Agent and Server Visibility on Linux bundles have been updated to Java 11 Azul JRE. If you upgrade the Linux Machine Agent to 21.1.0, then you must also upgrade all extensions to their latest versions to support Machine Agent 21.1.0. See Machine Agent Requirements and Supported Environments for details.
  • The Machine Agent has updated the bundled Analytics Agent to version 20.10.0-7428.

.NET Agent

Version 21.12.1 - December 21, 2021

This release includes:

  • Validating types are as expected for async tracking
  • Enabling async tracking through state field injection on Linux Agent

Version 21.12.0 - December 17, 2021

This release includes:

  • Bug fixes
  • Refactor all Http-based communications including adding support for HttpClient
  • Avoid instrumenting default Azure processes OOTB
  • Usage of Default Logger (console/file)
  • Support of monitoring libraries and vulnerabilities with Cisco Secure Application

Version 21.11.0 - November 2, 2021

This release includes:

  • Support for .NET 6.0.
  • Support for basic .NET Core metrics for .NET Agent on Linux, MSI-based .NET Agent for Windows, and .NET Microservices Agent for Windows, including applications on Azure.
  • Usage of WeakReference for ASP.NET Core customer objects. 
  • Add logging to stack trace sampling code.

Version 21.10.0 - October 15, 2021

This release includes:

  • Usage of WeakReference in the dynamic reflector library.
  • Linux Agent log errors / warnings to the console STDERR channel.
  • Linux instrumentation for AzureServiceBus is in parity with Windows.
  • Cleanup of unused code in Poco AsyncInterceptor and improves resource usages for Task related interceptors.
  • Updated list of supported versions for the .Net Agent, aligning with vendor support. See, .NET Supported Environments.

Version 21.9.1 - September 30, 2021

This release includes bug fixes.

Version 21.9.0 - September 22, 2021

This release includes:

  • Updates to native dependencies.
  • Allows to manage Linux Agent console output via environment variable (Windows Agent Parity).

Version 21.8.1 - September 7, 2021

This release includes writing the CORECLR environment values to the logs.

Version 21.8.0 - August 27, 2021

This release includes:

  • Support for SQL Data Collector on Linux (known issues: SQL parameters may be shown twice, non-string parameters are shown as empty in Analytics UI)
  • Docker image for latest tag was updated. See Upgrade the .NET Agent for Linux instructions.

Version 21.7.0 - July 29, 2021

.NET Agent for Linux now supports the following:

  • Agentless Analytics
  • Attributes (annotations) used to define POCO
  • Custom correlation
  • Custom error detection
  • HTTP Data Collectors
  • All HTTP backend custom detection/naming configuration options
  • Method Invocation Data Collectors (MIDC)
  • Service Endpoint configuration

.NET Agent for Linux and .NET Agent for Windows Microservices Agent now supports basic .NET Core metrics.

.NET Machine Agent enhanced for periodic reporting of vCPU information.

Version 21.6.0 

There was no release for 21.6.0.

Version 21.5.1 - June 17, 2021

.NET Agent has been updated with resolved issues. See Past Resolved and Known Issues by Release.

Version 21.5.0 - May 28, 2021

.NET Agent for Linux 21.5 incorporates significant architectural changes to accelerate the development of missing features in the Linux Agent relative to .NET Agent for Windows. These architectural changes do not affect .NET Agent for Windows (MSI and Microservices).

Because .NET Agent for Linux 21.5 is a significant architectural update, some issues may arise despite extensive testing performed. If you experience any blocking issues, please open a high priority support ticket where AppDynamics will provide workarounds or alternate options.

Generally, .NET Agent for Linux 21.5 maintains parity with existing features in .NET Agent for Linux < 21.5. However due to architectural updates, there are differences between .NET Agent for Linux >= 21.5 and .NET Agent for Linux < 21.5. Before you upgrade to .NET Agent for Linux 21.5, see Upgrade the .NET Agent for Linux.  


  • Sensitive data filters for Linux. See Filter Sensitive Data with the .NET Agent.
  • Custom exit points for Linux. See Exit Point Detection Rules.
  • Instrumentation configuration enhancements for: classIgnoretypeMatch 'Signature''IsSubClass' list and regex for Linux.
  • ASP.NET instrumentation enhancements for Linux. See ASP.NET Core Instrumentation Options.
  • Redis backend detection for IP address endpoint for all platforms.
  • EUM for .NET Core for Linux. See Browser RUM Supported Environments.
  • .NET extends support for BasicPublish and BasicConsume in the RabbitMQ client >= 6.0.0 for all platforms.
  • .NET Agent supports SSL mutual authentication for Azure PaaS app services for Windows only. 
  • The download package options for .NET Agent on Linux have been updated. The ".NET Agent - 64-bit alpine-linux" package has been discontinued and is replaced with the ".NET Agent - 64-bit linux" package. 
  • .NET Agent supports custom trusted certificate validation for all .NET Core Linux and Windows.

Version 21.4.0 - April 28, 2021

.NET Agent supports mutual authentication (mTLS) for Windows Agent for both .NET Full Framework and .NET Core applications; excluding Azure PaaS environments such as Azure App Services. See Resolved and Known Issues.

Version 21.3.0 – March 29, 2021

  • .NET Agent for Windows running on .NET Core >= 3.1 supports async exit calls over HTTP to WCF services. The remote address, full URL, host, and port identifying properties and correlation are supported.
  • .NET Agent supports the Controller service proxy feature.
  • New instrumentation options for ASP.NET Core

See Past Resolved and Known Issues by Release for details

Version 21.2.0 – February 24, 2021

The .NET 21.2.0 release includes:

  • .NET Agent for Windows on .NET Core now automatically captures errors for loggers implementing the Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.ILogger API. The standard Error Detection configuration options apply.
  • CosmosDB for .NET Core on Windows is supported. 

  • Added optimizations for Async Task tracking and Netviz socket tracking. 

See Past Resolved and Known Issues by Release.

Version 21.1.0 – January 29, 2021

  • Windows Agents now support End User Monitoring (EUM) for ASP.NET Core Web applications running on .NET Core 3.1 and .NET 5, including automatic Business Transaction correlation and automatic JavaScript Agent injection. Both MVC and Razor Pages are supported.
  • Redis instrumentation is now supported on both .NET Full Framework and Core Framework on Windows. 
  • The Windows Agents can now automatically set the HttpOnly flag to false for EUM cookies on ASP.NET.
    To enable, set the eum-auto-httponly-false boolean node property to true.

Network Agent

Version 21.12.0 

There was no release for 21.12.0.

Version 21.11.0 

There was no release for 21.11.0.

Version 21.10.0 

There was no release for 21.10.0.

Version 21.9.0 

There was no release for 21.9.0.

Version 21.8.0 

There was no release for 21.8.0.

Version 21.7.0 

There was no release for 21.7.0.

Version 21.6.0 

There was no release for 21.6.0.

Version 21.5.0 

There was no release for 21.5.0.

Version 21.4.0 

There was no release for 21.4.0.

Version 21.3.0 – March 25, 2021

This release includes no new features, but bug fixes. See Past Resolved and Known Issues by Release.

Version 21.2.0 – February 25, 2021

This release includes no new features, but bug fixes. See Past Resolved and Known Issues by Release for details.

Version 21.1.0 

There was no release for 21.1.

Node.js Agent

Version 21.12.0 

There was no release for 21.12.0.

Version 21.11.0 

There was no release for 21.11.0.

Version 21.10.0 

There was no release for 21.10.0.

Version 21.9.0 - September 30, 2021

This release removes support for Java proxy, and improves the Synchronous Call.

Version 21.8.0 - August 4, 2021

This release removes support for Node.js versions 8 and 10.

Version 21.7.0 

There was no release for 21.7.0.

Version 21.6.0 - June 25, 2021

The Node.js Agent 21.6.0 release includes resolves issues. For resolved issues, see Past Agent Resolved Issues.

Version 21.5.0 - May 28, 2021

This release includes:

Version 21.4.0 - April 16, 2021

This release includes no new features, but bug fixes. See Resolved and Known Issues.

Version 21.3.0 

There was no release for 21.3.

Version 21.2.0 – February 25, 2021

This release includes no new features, but bug fixes. See Past Resolved and Known Issues by Release for details.

Version 21.1.0 – January 29, 2021

  • You can now use Node.js 15.
  • You can also tune Analytics data limits with the agent settings.

Node.js Serverless Tracer

Version 21.12.0 

There was no release for 21.12.0.

Version 21.11.0 

There was no release for 21.11.0.

Version 21.10.316 - October 18, 2021

This hotfix includes an update to Axios version 0.21.3.

Version 21.9.0 

There was no release for 21.9.0.

Version 21.8.0 

There was no release for 21.8.0.

Version 21.7.0 - July 27, 2021

This release includes:

  • Node.js Serverless Agent now enables SSL certificates from paths other than /var/task to load.
  • Node.js Serverless Agent now supports version 21.6.304.

Version 21.6.0 

There was no release for 21.6.0.

Version 21.5.286 - May 10, 2021

The Node.js Serverless Tracer has been updated to 21.5.286

Version 21.4.0 

There was no release for 21.4.

Version 21.3.278 – March 26, 2021

The Node.js Serverless Tracer has removed request 2.88.0 library and added axios 0.21.1 library. See Past Resolved and Known Issues by Release for details.

Version 21.2.0 

There was no release for 21.2.

Version 21.1.0 

There was no release for 21.1.

PHP Agent

Version 21.12.2 - December 22, 2021

This release upgrades the Apache log4j library to 2.17.0.

Version 21.12.1 - December 15, 2021

This release upgrades the Apache log4j library to 2.16.0.

Version 21.11.0 - November 16, 2021

This release includes bug fixes.

Version 21.10.0 

There was no release for 21.10.0.

Version 21.9.0 

There was no release for 21.9.0.

Version 21.8.0 

There was no release for 21.8.0.

Version 21.7.0 - July 29, 2021

This release adds PHP Agent support for PHP 8. See, Past Agent Releases.

Version 21.6.0 - June 22, 2021

PHP Agent now adds support for PHP ZTS. See, Install PHP Agent with PHP ZTS.

Version 21.5.0 - May 26, 2021

PHP Agent 21.5.0 released with bug fixes.

Version 21.4.0 

There was no release for 21.4.

Version 21.3.0

There was no 21.3 release.

Version 21.2.0 – February 24, 2021

This release introduces an environment variable to set a unique host ID for the PHP Agent. See PHP Agent Configuration Settings.

Version 21.1.0 – January 27, 2021

This release includes no new features, but bug fixes. See Past Resolved and Known Issues for details.

Python Agent

Version 21.12.2 - December 21, 2021 

This release upgrades the Apache log4j library to 2.17.0.

Version 21.12.1 - December 15, 2021 

This release upgrades the Apache log4j library to 2.16.0.

Version 21.11.0 

There was no release for 21.11.0.

Version 21.10.0 - October 27, 2021

This release includes support for Transaction Analytics for the Python Agent. See Configure Analytics for Python Applications.

End of Support Notice

This release ends support for:

  • Python version 3.4 and 3.5
  • Linux x86 32-bit architecture

See AppDynamics End of Support Notices.

Version 21.9.0 - September 30, 2021

This release includes:

  • Updated the end_bt() API to allow user-provided exceptions.
  • Added checks to handle the invalid configuration values.
  • Updated the Python agent APIs to add maximum range-bound on the size of the input string.

Version 21.8.0 - August 31, 2021

This release includes support for Alpine Linux. See Python Supported Environments.

Version 21.7.0 

There was no release for 21.7.0.

Version 21.6.0 - June 17, 2021

The Python Agent 21.6.0 release includes:

Version 21.5.0 

There was no release for 21.5.0.

Version 21.4.0 

There was no release for 21.4.

Version 21.3.0

There was no 21.3 release.

Version 21.2.0 – February 2, 2021

This release includes no new features, but bug fixes. See Past Resolved and Known Issues for details.

Version 21.1.0

There was no 21.1 release.

Python Serverless Tracer

Version 21.12.0 

There was no release for 21.12.0.

Version 21.11.0 

There was no release for 21.11.0.

Version 21.10.0 

There was no release for 21.10.0.

Version 21.9.0 

There was no release for 21.9.0.

Version 21.8.0 

There was no release for 21.8.0.

Version 21.7.0 

There was no release for 21.7.0.

Version 21.6.0 

There was no release for 21.6.0.

Version 21.5.0 

There was no release for 21.5.0.

Version 21.4.0 

There was no release for 21.4.

Version 21.3.0

There was no 21.3 release.

Version 21.2.0

There was no 21.2 release.

Version 21.1.0

There was no 21.1 release.

React Native Agent

Version 21.12.0 

There was no release for 21.12.0.

Version 21.11.0 - November 2, 2021

This release includes minor enhancements and fixes.

Version 21.10.0 

There was no release for 21.10.0.

Version 21.9.0 - September 17, 2021

This release includes minor fixes and optimizations.

Version 21.8.0 

There was no release for 21.8.0.

Version 21.7.0 

There was no release for 21.7.0.

Version 21.6.0 

There was no release for 21.6.0.

Version 21.5.0 

There was no release for 21.5.0.

Version 21.4.0 - April 5, 2021

This release includes an API to manually track custom HTTP requests. See Customize the React Native Instrumentation.

Version 21.3.0

There was no 21.3 release.

Version 21.2.1 – February 19, 2021

React Native Agent 21.2.1 supports CrashReportCallback to receive a report for native crashes. See Customize the React Native Instrumentation.

Version 21.1.0

There was no 21.1 release.


Version 21.12.0 

There was no release for 21.12.0.

Version 21.11.0 - November 25, 2021

SAP 21.11.0 released. See Release Notes Version 21.11.0.

Version 21.10.0 

There was no release for 21.10.0.

Version 21.9.0 

There was no release for 21.9.0.

Version 21.8.0 - August 20, 2021

SAP 21.8.0 released. See Release Notes Version 21.8.0.

Version 21.7.0 

There was no release for 21.7.0.

Version 21.6.0 

There was no release for 21.6.0.

Version 21.5.0 

There was no release for 21.5.0.

Version 21.4.0 

There was no release for 21.4.

Version 21.3.0

There was no 21.3 release.

Version 21.2.0 – February 26, 2021

See Release Notes Version 21.2.0.

Version 21.1.0

There was no 21.1 release.

Synthetic Hosted Agent

Version 21.12.0 

There was no release for 21.12.0.

Version 21.11.0 

There was no release for 21.11.0.

Version 21.10.0 

There was no release for 21.10.0.

Version 21.9.0 

There was no release for 21.9.0.

Version 21.8.0 

There was no release for 21.8.0.

Version 21.7.0 - July 13, 2021

The Synthetic Hosted Agent 21.7.0 includes support for Chrome version 86 in Azure locations.

Version 21.6.0 

There was no release for 21.6.0.

Version 21.5.0 

There was no release for 21.5.0.

Version 21.4.0 

There was no release for 21.4.

Version 21.3.0

There was no 21.3 release.

Version 21.2.0 – February 16, 2021

Chrome browser version 86 is now available. See Chrome Version 86 for details.

Xamarin Agent

Version 21.12.0 

There was no release for 21.12.0.

Version 21.11.0 

There was no release for 21.11.0.

Version 21.10.0 

There was no release for 21.10.0.

Version 21.9.0 - September 9, 2021

This release includes a new API for tracking UI elements with Xamarin.Forms. See Track UI Elements.

Version 21.8.0 - August 12, 2021

This release includes:

Version 21.7.0 

There was no release for 21.7.0.

Version 21.6.0 - June 25, 2021

Xamarin Agent 21.6.0 release includes:

Version 21.5.1 - May 18, 2021

The Xamarin 21.5.1 Agent includes newly exposed APIs to:

  • Configure a semi-automatic HTTP tracker using the HttpMessageHandler
  • Transform URLs for network requests
  • Configure, disable, block, and unblock screenshots

See Customize the Xamarin Instrumentation.

Other enhancements:

  • When setting up the Xamarin Agent, you must add the AppDynamics.Agent package and call an extra line of code in MainActivity.cs under OnCreate. See Instrument Xamarin Applications.

Version 21.4.0 

There was no release for 21.4.

Version 21.3.0

There was no 21.3 release.

Version 21.2.0 – February 19, 2021

Xamarin Agent 21.2.0 release includes fixes from the 21.2.0 JavaScript Agent, iOS, and Android Agent.

Version 21.1.0

There was no 21.1 release.

Error rendering macro 'excerpt-include'

User 'null' does not have permission to view the page.