This page contains a summary of the start and stop commands for the Machine Agent. See Permissions Required to Run the Machine Agent.

Running the Machine Agent with a Non-Bundled JRE

To run the Machine Agent with the default JRE on the machine (rather than the JRE bundled with the agent), you should first install a non-JRE version of the Machine Agent, and then run the non-JRE agent instead. See Install Using the Non-JRE Zip File.

Start the Machine Agent

To start the Machine Agent with the bundled JRE, see Install the Machine Agent.

To start the Machine Agent without the bundled JRE, specify the Java version and customize the <path/to/java_location> using the -j parameter and version JRE >= 1.8. See Machine Agent Requirements and Supported Environments and Install Using the Non-JRE Zip File. Make certain the path is valid and accessible for all users who start the Machine Agent.

<machine_agent_home>/bin/machine-agent -j <path/to/java_location>

For information on additional Java arguments, see:

RPM-based Linux Systems 

If you installed using the Linux RPM, start the Machine Agent:

  • SysV systems: service appdynamics-machine-agent start
  • systemd systems: Use the Machine Agent service launcher and enter: systemctl start appdynamics-machine-agent

Linux and Solaris Systems

If you installed using the JRE bundled zip archive for Linux and Solaris, run the launcher:

  • Linux: <machine_agent_home>/bin/machine-agent -d -p <machine_agent_home>/pidfile 
  • Solaris: <machine_agent_home>/bin/machine-agent -d -p <machine_agent_home>/pidfile

Windows Systems

See Windows Install Using ZIP with Bundled JRE.

Stop the Machine Agent

Non-JRE Bundled Zip Archive

If the Machine Agent process is running in the background, you can stop it by entering the kill command with the process ID as the argument. If it is running in the foreground in a console, press Ctrl+C to shut down the agent.

RPM-based Linux Systems

SysV: Use the service launcher:

% service /etc/init.d/appdynamics-machine-agent stop

 systemd: Use the systemd unit file:

% systemctl stop appdynamics-machine-agent

Linux and Solaris Systems

Running in the Foreground: Press Ctrl+C to stop the agent process.

Running in the Background: Identify the process ID (PID) and use the kill command.

  1. Identify the agent process: ps -ef | grep machineagent.
    The output provides the process ID (PID) of the Machine Agent process.

  2. Stop the agent process: kill <machine_agent_PID>.


In the foreground in a console window: Use Ctrl+C to shut down the agent.

As a Windows Service: Stop the service using either of these methods:

  • In the Windows Services application, select AppDynamics Machine Agent and click Stop.
  • Use the MachineAgentService command: 

     C:\> <machine_agent_home>\bin\MachineAgentService.exe /stop

Mac OS X

As a background process: Enter the kill command with the process ID as the argument.

As a service: From the bash command line: 

> sudo launchctl unload -w <machine_agent_home>/com.appdynamics.machineagent.plist