Start the Agent

If you are using an on-premises version of Database Visibility, you must start the Events Service before you start the Database Agent. Before starting the agent, you must configure the properties in this file. You must specify these properties:

  • Controller Host Property
  • Controller Port Property
  • Account Access Key Property

Start the Agent in a Command Shell

The following assumes that all the necessary parameters have been specified in the controller-info.xml. The controller-info.xml file describes the properties of agent to Controller communications. Note that <db_agent_home> is the absolute path to the location where the Database Agent is installed. Setting the heap size is recommended as shown below. See Database Visibility System Requirements.


cd <db_agent_home>
start-dbagent.bat -Xms<min_heap_size> -Xmx<max_heap_size>


cd <db_agent_home>
./start-dbagent -Xms<min_heap_size> -Xmx<max_heap_size> &

Start the Agent as a Service

See Install the Database Agent as a Windows ServiceStart the Database Agent Automatically on Windows, and Start the Database Agent Automatically on Linux.

Stop the Agent

Stop the Agent in a Command Shell

If the Database Agent process is running in the background, you can stop it by simply entering the kill command with the process ID as the argument. If it is running in the foreground in a console, you can press Ctrl+C to shut down the agent.

Stop the Agent Service in Windows

In the Windows Services application, select AppDynamics Database Agent and click Stop.