This page provides details for managing users in the Account Management Portal. 

Company Administrators and License Administrators can manage user access for AppDynamics accounts through the Account Management Portal. User accounts on a Tenant are managed based on the authentication options selected in the Tenant UI. See Tenant User Management.

Editing an account through the Accounts Management Portal affects the user for all AppDynamics components and some Tenant rights simultaneously. User account management through a Tenant UI affects permissions for that Tenant only.

Every AppDynamics user that has been registered in the User Management UI has subscription-based access to AppDynamics University and unlimited access to AppDynamics Community for FAQs and user forums

User Management Overview

The Accounts Management Portal allows administrators to create and globally manage user accounts through the User Management UI. You use the same login for both the Tenant and the Account Management Portal. 

User Status Options

A user account can have one of three possible statuses:

  • Active—User has a valid email account that authenticates with the AppDynamics Identity Provider (IDP).
  • Pending—User has been created in the system, but the email is not yet validated by the user.
  • Inactive—User is restricted from accessing AppDynamics components. 

When a user is created through the Account Management Portal, they receive a time-sensitive email prompting them to activate their account by creating a username and password. A user is in Pending status until they have completed the activation.

Once complete, the user can:

However, they do not have access to a Tenant until or unless an administrator adds the user account to a Tenant. 

UI Options

The User Management UI displays users in a grid with sortable columns and an autocomplete search feature.

Editing functions become visible based on the selected user's status.


User Status










User Security Role Options

There are four security roles available through User Management > Edit. This table explains the functionality and the User Permissions Matrix shows the specific permissions per role. 

Company Admin
  • Has the highest level of access.
  • Can view all licenses or Tenants the company owns.
License Admin
  • Requires one user per Tenant to be designated as a Primary Contact with AppDynamics and is mandated to receive maintenance and license notifications.
  • Can only view and administer licenses for a license to which they have been assigned.
  • Cannot administer a Tenant.
  • Can add or remove license admins on the same license (unless that admin is the Primary Contact).

    To remove the Primary Contact from the role, you must open a Support request with AppDynamics and provide a new Primary Contact for the license.


Provide managers with the ability to open and manage Support requests with AppDynamics.

Tenant User
  • Is assigned to every user created on a Tenant.

  • Is the most basic user role. Specific permissions for this user are set at the Tenant level. See Tenant User Management and Create and Manage Custom Roles.

  • Shows only once per user regardless of how many tenants they are associated with.

User Permissions Matrix



Company AdminLicense AdminSupport User

Tenant User (SaaS)

Company User

Add User

Edit User Name

Edit User Status

Delete User

Assign Company Admin Role

Assign License Admin Role

Assign Support Role

View Professional Services Projects

Assign Education Subscriptions

Edit License MAC Address

View License Usage

Assign Licenses

Launch a Tenant

Log in to an assigned Tenant

View Open Tickets

Create a New Ticket

View Active Resources

Access Downloads

View Account Details

Access AppDynamics University

Access AppDynamics Community

Manage Profile

Customize Notifications

Create and Manage a New User

This page contains macros or features from a plugin which requires a valid license.

You will need to contact your administrator.

When creating a new user, AppDynamics recommends:

  • Using only ASCII characters for usernames and passwords because of browser incompatibilities.

  • Choosing at least one role for the new user. Although it is possible to assign a role after creation, the user has no functionality in the UI until a role is assigned.

Only users with Company Administrator or License Administrator roles can create new users in the Account Management Portal. Company Administrator roles are not available with self-service trials.
To create a new user:

  1. Click Create Icon.
  2. Enter User Information and click Next.
  3. Optionally, select one or more Company Roles.
    Depending on your administrator role, some fields are disabled as Company Admins and License Admins have different rights.
    If you do not select a role, the user will have very limited rights. See User Permissions Matrix.
  4. Click Save.

The Edit UI allows Company Admins and License Admins to edit Company Roles accordingly. See User Role Options.

You cannot edit the email address because it is the user's primary system security identification and username for logging in.

  1. Select a user and clickEdit.
  2. Update Basic Information as necessary.
  3. Optionally, update available Company Roles.

  4. Assign or unassign available licenses. Some fields are disabled as Company Admins and License Admins have different rights.

    A License Admin can only control access to a license to which they are assigned, but they can view other licenses in the company account.

  5. Click Save.
    The user you update must refresh their browser for the edits to be visible.

Deactivating a user will prevent them from logging in to any AppDynamics role-based component, including all associated Tenants. 

You can only Activate a user that has Inactive status. You can only Deactivate a user that has Active status. Pending users are not Active by default.

To Activate a user:

  1. Select one or more users with Inactive status.
  2. Click Check Icon.
  3. Verify that you want to continue.
    The user will have access to and related services.

To Deactivate a user:

  1. Select one or more users with an Active status.
  2. Click Deactivate Icon.
  3. Verify that you want to continue.
    The user will remain inactive until either deleted or reactivated by an admin.

When you delete a user through a Tenant UI, their account is still in Active status in the Account Management Portal. This is to ensure the user can still access other Tenants they may be assigned to. 

Deleting a user is permanent and cannot be reversed. 

You can only delete a user with Inactive status. Users with Active status must be set to Inactive before you can delete them. 

  1. Select one or more users with an Inactive status.
  2. Click Delete Icon
  3. Click Delete to verify the action.
    An email is sent to the user notifying them that their account is no longer available.
  4. Click View Status Report for a list of the deleted accounts.