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License Usage
This page describes how to navigate the License Usage page in the Accounts Management Portal.

Navigation Overview
The License Usage page provides summary usage data for Tenant license subscriptions associated with your License Administrator account. The usage shown is based on the current or most recent usage period, including the data captured and aggregated from the previous day.
You can filter or arrange your subscription list in several ways:
- Click View options
to select which Tenant type and subscription status to display.
- Begin typing in the autocomplete Search field to filter the list as you type.
- Click a column heading to sort the subscription list according to that column.
- Click
(where available) to display information about the corresponding data.
Access Product Usage Detail
AppDynamics captures usage data in five-minute intervals and aggregates it into larger intervals.
There are several product families and each family has several products associated with it. Usage is measured differently for each product. See License Entitlements and Restrictions.
- Select a Subscription to access usage detail for each product associated with the license, including:
- Each Product associated with the selected license.
- The Product Family category.
- The current Usage of the product for a specified usage period.
- The Usage Period in which the product can consume licenses before the usage limit is reset.
The usage periods that display for each product in the detailed usage graphs are set as default time ranges for efficient page loading.
- Select a Product to view:
- License information
- Maximum and average usage metrics
- Total (cumulative) license usage for that product and product family.
For the APM Any Language product, select or deselect the language to view or remove usage data in the graph.
- Click one of the
in the page navigation bread crumbs to select a different license or different product within that license.
Only products associated with the chosen license display in the dropdown menu. - Click
to adjust the time range, date, and time zone of data you want to view in the graph.
You can select daily, hourly, weekly, or monthly data granularity.
If you select a timeframe that is too long for the aggregation, certain granularity options are not visible.
For example, if you choose a timeframe longer than one month, hourly granularity is disabled. - Click
to toggle the data display as either a line graph or bar graph.
For certain products under the Application Performance Management (APM) and End User Monitoring product families, there are two graph types.
You can specify the data granularity and timeframe you want to view in both types.- A cumulative plot line graph for a given usage cycle.
- A non-cumulative plot line graph for the same usage cycle.
Review the Max and Average usage metrics.
- Hover over a data point on the graph to view granular metrics.
If you set a timeframe to less than one month, hourly metrics are available. If you select a timeframe greater than or equal to one month, daily data is available. - When available, select View usage as <metered units> or View usage as license units.
- Viewing usage by metered units displays consumption according to how many events you consumed due to license unit consumption.
Each product has distinct meters on which licenses are consumed. Viewing usage by license units displays how many licenses have been consumed.
The usage data is the same; the x-axis displays the same usage on both graphs, while the y-axis reflects the view you select.License units are always rounded up to the next highest integer because that is the minimum amount you would need for your monitoring.
- Viewing usage by metered units displays consumption according to how many events you consumed due to license unit consumption.
Max and Average Usage Metrics
You can view these metrics reporting for the timeframe you chose in the date range selector UI:
- Max—The maximum usage of all agents aggregated over the chosen timeframe. It is the maximum of all the data points on the graph.
- Monthly Average—The average of all agents reporting usage during the chosen timeframe. It is the average of all the average values on the graph.
For certain products under the Application Performance Management (APM) and Infrastructure Visibility product families, the x-axis is the time frame and the y-axis is the number of license units used.
The APM Any Language product includes multiple agents. Click a corresponding checkbox in the filter bar to drill down into usage for a particular agent (such as Java). Agents that do not report data during the selected timeframe are grayed out in the filter.
You can interpret metrics according to the view:
- When you select all agent types, the maximums and the averages of all agents display reporting usage over the selected timeframe.
- When you select one agent type, the results are restricted to that agent’s data.
- When you select a subset of agent types, the maximums and averages are calculated based only on the agents chosen.
Cumulative Plot Graph
This graph displays the total number of units used during either a usage cycle or a timeframe you choose.
- The y-axis represents the units used, either as the metered unit or as license units.
- The x-axis represents the time period.
For a given usage period, the Usage Overview will show usage as a percentage to display the quantity consumption against your total allocation.
Real User Monitoring, Synthetics Monitoring, and Transaction Analytics are a few examples of products that are metered on a cumulative basis.
Non-Cumulative Plot Graph
This graph plots the usage for a product’s given usage cycle or timeframe and the granularity you select. You can use the non-cumulative graph to help you determine how much of the product is being used at a regular cadence and whether there are spikes in usage.
Hover over a data point on the graph to view granular metrics. You can also view an average data point for the set granularity.
APM Any Language, Server Visibility, and Databases Monitoring are a few examples of products that are metered on a non-cumulative basis.