This page provides an overview of the Dash Studio layout in AppDynamics.

You can organize the dashboard layout and explore important system data in the Dash Studio. You can find required dashboards, delete dashboards, and create new ones. You can also place widgets on the canvas in the Responsive Mode layout and Fixed Aspect Ratio layout. The canvas is a backdrop where you can drop content in, such as widgets. 

Dashboard Organization

Create Dashboards

Dash Studio allows you to create a dashboard without having to name it, or indicate its layout or characteristics. If you accidentally close a dashboard without naming it, the dashboard is auto-saved and named "Untitled-X." X is the next untitled dashboard in the collection of dashboards that you are authorized to access and is saved in the Dashboard Creation Directory. Untitled-X displays as the dashboard title on the page as soon as the new dashboard canvas loads. You can rename the dashboard later.


Dashboards are auto-saved by default. 

Responsiveness and Sizing

You can resize the Dashboard canvas to any size which enables you to switch between editing and viewing mode. By default, the dashboard automatically resizes to fit on the page. The width of some columns in the dashboard are locked so that when you resize a dashboard, a locked column is not resized. The default canvas sizing fits the dimensions of a typical laptop.  

Dashboard Editor ActionsDescription

Adding Widget

You can drag and drop widgets from the toolbar onto the dashboard canvas.

Alignment and Placement

You can place the widgets anywhere on the dashboard canvas, including placing widgets on top of other widgets or running off the edge of the canvas itself. Use the red alignment lines as a quick visual to check the alignment of the widgets. These lines also indicate when the widgets are at an appropriate distance from other widgets.

Group Creation

You can select multiple widgets by dragging a box over them with a mouse, or holding Shift and selecting all widgets with a mouse click.

Selection and Undo/Redo/Copy/Paste

You can select widgets, or groups of widgets by clicking them, or dragging a mouse-generated box over by holding down the left mouse button. You can select multiple widgets by either dragging the box, or by a command-click action. 

  • You can undo or redo an action using a toolbar command, or by command-Z and command-Y functionality on the keyboard. 
  • You can copy, cut or paste groups of widgets using a toolbar command, or by command-C, command-X, or command-V functionality on the keyboard.
Selection in Edit Mode

You can select widgets or groups in edit mode by clicking them, or dragging a mouse-generated box over by holding down the left mouse button. You can select multiple widgets by either dragging the box, or by command-click action. In view mode, data queries are not exposed. To drill down to the next data level, you must double-click.

  • For Widgets:
    Single click selects a widget, enables its movement, and exposes an editing icon at the top right of the widget. To edit data, click on the editing icon. Double-click on the widget to drill down to the next data level. Google Data Studio is a good example of this interaction.
  • For Groups:
    Single click a group selects that group, enables its movement, and exposes the editing icon. Clicking again selects the widget. Double-clicking a widget in a group has the same effect as clicking once on the group, and then clicking the widget. To drill down on the widget, you must double-click again.

Edit and View Modes 

You can view Dashboards in these two modes: 

  •  Edit mode 
  •  View mode

 By default dashboards are in View mode. The toolbar does not display in View mode.

General Layout


The dashboard editor tools available in the toolbar enable you to perform these actions:

Undo and RedoThe toolbar has two buttons for undo and redo actions on a dashboard. You can also perform these actions using command+Z and command+Y keyboard functions. 
Copy, Paste, and Delete You can use tools from the editing toolbar to copy, paste, or delete widgets, or containers from a dashboard. You can also perform these actions using command-C, command-V, and the Delete keys on the keyboard. 
Dashboard titleYou can edit dashboard title. By default, a new dashboard is titled "Untitled Dashboard."

Dashboard Editor Tool 

Data Panel

The Data Toolbar at the bottom of the Dashboard Editor enables you to bind containers and visualizations to data. See Data Binding for details. 

Data Toolbar

Widget Palette

The Widget Palette on the left-side of the Dashboard Editor allows you to drag and drop widgets from the palette on to the canvas. 

Widget Palette


Widget Properties Panel

The Properties Panel on the right-hand side of the Dashboard Editor enables you to set the properties of a widget, such as: background color, shadow, padding, and basic display options.

 Widget Properties