This page describes how to install the Machine Agent and Network Agents in a Kubernetes cluster where the Cluster Agent Operator is installed.

The Cluster Agent Operator provides a custom resource definition called InfraViz. You can use InfraViz to simplify deploying the Machine and Network Agents as a daemonset in a Kubernetes cluster. Additionally, you can deploy these agents by creating a daemonset YAML which does not require the Cluster Agent Operator. For more information, see these examples

To deploy the Analytics Agent as a daemonset in a Kubernetes cluster, see Install Agent-Side Components in Kubernetes.

Windows Containers are not supported for this deployment.


Before you begin, verify that you have:

  • Installed kubectl >= 1.11.3
  • Cluster Agent >= 21.3.1
  • Met these requirements: Cluster Agent Requirements and Supported Environments.
  • If Server Visibility is required, sufficient Server Visibility licenses based on the number of worker nodes in your cluster. 
  • Permissions to view servers in the AppDynamics Controller.

Installation Procedure

  1. Install the Cluster Agent. From this Alpine Linux example:

    1. Download the Cluster Agent bundle. 

    2. Unzip the Cluster Agent bundle.

    3. Deploy the Cluster Agent Operator using the CLI specifying the correct Kubernetes and OpenShift version (if applicable):

      unzip appdynamics-cluster-agent-alpine-linux-<version>.zip
      kubectl create namespace appdynamics
      kubectl create -f cluster-agent-operator.yaml
      kubectl create -f cluster-agent-operator-openshift.yaml
      kubectl create -f cluster-agent-operator-1.14-or-less.yaml
      kubectl create -f cluster-agent-operator-openshift-1.14-or-less.yaml
  2. Create a Cluster Agent secret using the Machine Agent access key to connect to the Controller. If a cluster-agent-secret does not exist, you must create one, see Install the Cluster Agent with the Kubernetes CLI.

    kubectl -n appdynamics create secret generic cluster-agent-secret --from-literal=controller-key=<access-key>
  3. Update the infraviz.yaml file to set the controllerUrlaccount, and globalAccount values based on the information from the Controller's License page.
    To enable Server Visibility, set enableServerViz to true (shown in the infraviz.yaml configuration example).
    To deploy a Machine Agent without Server Visibility enabled, set enableServerViz to "false".

    infraviz.yaml Configuration File with Server Visibility Enabled

    apiVersion: v1
    kind: ServiceAccount
      name: appdynamics-infraviz
      namespace: appdynamics
    kind: InfraViz
      name: appd-infraviz
      namespace: appdynamics
      controllerUrl: ""
      image: ""
      account: "<your-account-name>"
      globalAccount: "<your-global-account-name>"
      enableServerViz: true
          cpu: 500m
          memory: "1G"
          cpu: 200m
          memory: "800M"

    The infraviz.yaml configuration file example deploys a daemonset that runs a single pod per node in the cluster. Each pod runs a single container from where the Machine Agent, or Server Visibility Agent runs. 

  4. To enable the Network Visibility Agent to run in a second container in the same pod, add the netVizImage and netVizPort keys and values as shown in this configuration file example:

    infraviz.yaml Configuration File with Second Container in a Single Pod

    apiVersion: v1
    kind: ServiceAccount
      name: appdynamics-infraviz
      namespace: appdynamics
    kind: InfraViz
      name: appd-infraviz
      namespace: appdynamics
      controllerUrl: ""
      image: ""
      account: "<your-account-name>"
      globalAccount: "<your-global-account-name>"
      enableServerViz: true
      netVizImage: appdynamics/machine-agent-netviz:latest
      netVizPort: 3892
          cpu: 500m
          memory: "1G"
          cpu: 200m
          memory: "800M"
  5. Use kubectl to deploy infraviz.yaml 

    For environments where Kubernetes PodSecurityPolicies block certain pod security context configuration, such as privileged pods, you must deploy the infraviz-pod-security-policy.yaml before editing the infraviz.yaml file.

    For environments where OpenShift SecurityContextConstraints block certain pod security context configuration, such as privileged pods, you must deploy the infraviz-security-context-constraint-openshift.yaml before editing the infraviz.yaml file.

    kubectl create -f infraviz.yaml
    kubectl create -f infraviz-pod-security-policy.yaml
    kubectl create -f infraviz.yaml
    kubectl create -f infraviz-security-context-constraint-openshift.yaml
    kubectl create -f infraviz.yaml
  6. Confirm that the appd-infraviz pod is running, and the Machine Agent, Server Visibility Agent, and Network Agent containers are ready:

    kubectl -n appdynamics get pods
    NAME                                    READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
    appd-infraviz-shkhj                     2/2     Running   0          18s
  7. To verify that the agents are registering with the Controller, review the logs and confirm that the agents display in the Agents Dashboard of the Controller Administration UI. In the Controller, if Server Visibility is enabled, the nodes are visible under Controller > Servers.

    kubectl -n appdynamics logs appd-infraviz-shkhj -c appd-infra-agent
    Started AppDynamics Machine Agent Successfully

InfraViz Configuration Settings

To configure Infrastructure Visibility, you can modify these parameters in the infraviz.yaml file included with the download package. After changing the file, delete and re-create the InfraViz deployment to ensure the changes are applied.

accountAppDynamics account nameRequiredN/A
argsList of command argumentsOptionalN/A
controllerUrlURL of the AppDynamics ControllerRequiredN/A
enableContainerHostIdFlag that determines how container names are derived; specify either true or false.Optionaltrue
enableMastersBy default, only Worker nodes are monitored. When set to true, Server Visibility is provided for Master nodes. For managed Kubernetes providers, the flag has no effect because the Master plane is not accessible.Optionalfalse
enableServerVizEnable Server VisibilityOptional
envList environment variablesOptionalN/A
eventServiceUrlEvent Service EndpointOptionalN/A
globalAccountGlobal account nameRequiredN/A
imageRetrieves the most recent version of the Machine Agent image.Optionalappdynamics/machine-agent-analytics:latest
imagePullSecretName of the pull secret imageOptionalN/A
logLevelLevel of logging verbosity. Valid options are: info or debug.Optionalinfo
metricsLimitMaximum number of metrics that the Machine Agent sends to the Controller.OptionalN/A
netVizImageRetrieves the most recent version of Network Agent image.Optionalappdynamics/machine-agent-netviz:latest
netVizPortWhen > 0, the Network Agent is deployed in a sidecar with the Machine Agent. By default, the Network Visibility Agent works with port 3892.Optional3892
nodeSelectorOS specific label that identifies nodes for scheduling of the daemonset pods.Optionallinux


Name of the priority class that determines priority when a pod needs to be evicted.OptionalN/A
propertyBagString with any other Machine Agent parametersOptionalN/A
proxyUrlURL of the proxy server (protocol://domain:port)OptionalN/A
proxyUserProxy user credentials (user@password)OptionalN/A
resourcesDefinitions of resources and limits for the Machine Agent


resourcesNetVizSet resources for the Network Visibility (NetViz) containerOptional


  • CPU: 100m
  • Memory: 150Mi


  • CPU: 200m
  • Memory: 300Mi
stdoutLoggingDetermines if logs are saved to a file or redirected to the Console.Optionalfalse
tolerationsList of tolerations based on the taints that are associated with nodes.OptionalN/A
uniqueHostIdUnique host ID in AppDynamics. Valid options are: spec.nodeNamestatus.hostIP.Optionalspec.nodeName