You can correlate IoT network request events with business transactions. The correlation is made between beacons containing network request event information and instances of business transactions (transaction snapshots).
IoT Network Requests Correlation
This procedure outlines how IoT applications correlate network requests with business transactions:
The IoT application attaches AppDynamics HTTP headers to a network request to the app server agent. These AppDynamics HTTP headers instruct the app server agent to send back correlation headers.
The app server agent:
Sends HTTP response headers identifying the business transaction to the IoT application.
Aggregates backend metrics and sends them along with the business transaction identifiers to the Controller. This serves as the content for the transaction snapshot.
The IoT Agent sends business transaction identifiers (from the HTTP response headers) as part of IoT network request event to the EUM Server. This serves as the content for the network request.
The Controller fetches the events and business transaction identifiers from the EUM Server. These business transaction identifiers are used to correlate the network request with the transaction snapshots.
Correlate IoT Network Request Events with Business Transactions
Use the IoT SDKs or the IoT REST API to send the returned response headers from the business application with beacons to report IoT network request events and correlate those events with the business transaction.
For correlation instructions, see "Correlate Business Transactions with Network Requests" for either the IoT C/C++ SDK, IoT Java SDK, or the IoT REST API.
View Business Transactions Correlated with IoT Applications
There are several ways to navigate from a network request snapshot to its correlated business transaction. The following steps show you one possible way.
From the IoT Device Dashboard, double-click one of the device records in the Unique Devices widget:
You should now see a list of network requests in the Activity Stream tab. You can click a link in the activity stream to view the transaction flow map for a business transaction.
Click the Business Transactions tab to view a list of correlated business transactions.
You can then click a business transaction to view the Transaction Flow Map shown below, which provides avisual representation of the components and activities of the business application during the correlated business transaction.