Download page Database Visibility System Requirements.
Database Visibility System Requirements
This page describes the hardware and software requirements using Database Visibility.
Hardware Requirements
Hardware requirements vary depending on database activity. If your database activity increases, you may need to adjust your hardware configuration.
The machine running the Database Agent should meet the following hardware requirements:
1 GB of heap space and an additional 512 MB of heap space for each monitored database instance. For less busy databases, you may reduce the heap space to 256 MB per monitored database instance.
2 GHz or higher CPU.
Database Instance
A Database instance can be a node in the Oracle RAC, MongoDB, Couchbase cluster, standalone-collector, or a sub-collector.
This table shows sample calculations for heap space allocation:
Number of Database Instances Monitored
Heap Space Allocation
(5 x 512 MB) + 1024 MB = 3,584 MB
(20 x 512 MB) + 1024 MB = 11,264 MB
(100 x 512 MB) + 1024 MB = 52,224 MB
AppDynamics Controller Sizing Requirements
The Controller database should meet the following hardware requirements:
500 MB of disk space per collector per day
500 MB of disk space for the Events Service per day. By default, the Events Service retains data for 10 days.
The Database Agent requires the Events Service. Start Event Service before you start the Database Agent.
Software Requirements
The Database Agent runs on a Java Virtual Machine. You must have Java 1.8 - 15.
The operating systems Linux and Windows are supported.
Network Requirements
The machine on which the database is running or the machine you want to monitor must be accessible from the machine where the Database Agent is installed and running. This machine must have a network connection, internet, or intranet.
If your databases are behind a firewall, you must configure the firewall to permit the machine running the Database Agent program access to the databases. The database listener port (and optionally the SSH or WMI port) must be open.
The network bandwidth used between the agent and the controller is approximately 300 KB per minute per collector for a large database with 200 clients using 50 schemas, processing about 10,000 queries a minute. The actual numbers depend on the type of database server, the number of individual schemas on the server, and the number of unique queries executed daily, and therefore varies.