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Visual Dashboard Editor
This page provides an overview of the Dashboard Editor in AppDynamics.
The Dashboard Editor is available next to the existing Dashboards tab. The Dashboard Editor allows you to:
- Quickly align widgets.
- Resize widgets on a dashboard by grabbing the edges of the widget with a click-and-drag to resize.
- Select multiple widgets, copy and paste them using GUI controls, or using command-C or command-V controls, so that you can replicate them on a single dashboard.
- Edit widget titles by editing the widgets directly.
- Edit widget attributes such as: titles, line colors, and labels.
- Access commonly used tools from the toolbar with a single click.
What's New? Button
The What's New button provides information about the latest updates in the Dash Studio.
Click the Show Documentation button to access the online documentation for Dash Studio.
Dashboard Library
All dashboards created in the Dash Studio are available in the Dashboard Library, which provides a list of all Dash Studio dashboards. Select the Show My Dashboards Only toggle button to see a list of dashboards that you created in the Dash Studio. When this button is disabled, all the dashboards are displayed.
Dashboard Editor
The new dashboard canvas offers a visually attractive and responsive display in both edit and view modes. The canvas and associated toolbars:
- Allow you to easily edit the dashboards manually.
- Allow widget data binding and editing of some widget properties (such as, titles and graph axes labels) on the canvas directly.
- Are architected to enable future functionality such as, repeating widgets and allowing column width lock in responsive dashboards.
Edit and View Modes
To optimize the Dash Studio (Preview) experience, you can switch between these two display modes:
- View mode (default mode for dashboards)
- Edit mode
In View mode, the toolbar disappears, and the dashboard displays to the largest extent possible in the browser panel in which it is housed.
The Edit mode enables you to edit the content of the selected dashboard. To return to the dashboard library from the Edit mode, click on the top-left of the page.
You can apply these layouts to your dashboard:
- Responsive Layout
- Fixed Aspect Ratio
The View icon (available on the top-right of the page) allows you to preview the dashboard. On the preview page, click the Edit icon to return to the Dashboard Editor.
Feedback Button
Use the Feedback button to submit feedback about your experience using Dash Studio. The submitted feedback is sent to the AppDynamics product team.
Auto Refresh Interval
Enable the Auto Refresh Interval option under the Dashboard Properties panel to refresh the dashboard automatically at specific intervals. Auto-refresh ensures that the dashboard data and layout is refreshed regularly. You can select an option from the Auto Refresh Interval dropdown or select Custom from the list of options to customize the interval value. The default refresh interval is two minutes. The set interval value persists when you switch between edit and view mode, and when you share, import, or export a dashboard.
Help Popover
The Help popover appears at various places on the dashboard UI. This popover provides details about features, concepts, and product changes. Click "Okay, got it!" to close the popover.
Dashboard Sharing
The sharing capability in Dash Studio allows you to share the dashboard with business users and with those who do not have an AppDynamics account. This helps multiple users access the dashboard and enables effective collaboration among the users.
You can also:
- Stop sharing the dashboard.
- Copy the shared URL to the clipboard.
- Open the shared URL in a new panel.
Import and Export Dashboards
This feature allows you to export and import JSON dashboard metadata between Dash Studio instances running in different environments.
Export Dashboard
To export a dashboard in Dash Studio:
Select the dashboard to export from the dashboard list.
The Export icon
) is enabled only when you select a dashboard from the dashboard list.
- Click Export
when available in the dashboard toolbar.
The exported dashboard is generated as a JSON file on your system. You can rename the downloaded file later.
Export Dashboard with Edit Permissions
To export the selected dashboard with Edit permissions:
- Right-click on the selected dashboard.
- Select Export
icon from the dropdown.
The exported dashboard is generated as a JSON file on your system.
Import Dashboard
To import a previously exported dashboard file in Dash Studio:
- Click Import
to display the Custom Dashboard Import dialog.
- Click Choose File and navigate to the previously exported JSON file that you want to import.
- Click Open.
- Click Import to open the imported dashboard and display it with a new name.
Import Dashboard with Edit Permissions
To import the selected dashboard with Edit permissions:
- Right-click on the selected dashboard.
Select Import
rom the dropdown.
Click Choose File to navigate to the dashboard file to import.
- Click Open.
Click Import to open the imported dashboard and display it with a new name.
These errors may display when you try to import a dashboard file:
- Parsing error when you import a bad or malformed dashboard file.
- File Not Found error when you import a dashboard from another Controller.