In most cases, a user's interaction with your app is not limited to one action in one panel view. Sessions allow you to track your users' interactions across time, as they navigate an entire session with your app.

By default, sessions begin when a user starts using your application and ends after a configurable period of user inactivity. You can also programmatically control sessions through the Mobile Agents SDKs (AndroidiOSXamarinCordova). Using Mobile Sessions, you can analyze sessionized results from all requests, as stored in the AppDynamics Events Service. 

As in Network Request Analyze, the main Sessions panel is comprised of these tabs:

You can also view detailed information about each session in the Session Details dialog.


The Records tab lets you scan individual sessions and allows you to filter and sort to get exactly the data in which you are interested.


Session Details

Click View Details or double-click an item to see the information for a specific session.

Session Timeline

The sequence of session frames for the session is shown on the session timeline and on the bottom of the panel. Select a specific frame by clicking on an icon on the timeline to see details highlighted at the bottom of the panel. You can also select a frame row at the bottom to see it highlighted on the timeline.


Session Details Categories and Types


Activity Icon Activity/Fragment

The current Activity in the foreground of an Android app. If the current Activity is not sufficient to understand what the user is doing, consider using the Session Frame APIs.

RootView Icon RootView

The current RootView in the foreground of the iOS App. If the current RootView is not sufficient to understand what the user is doing, consider using the Session Frame APIs.
Session Frames

Session Frame Icon Session Frame

A manual API to label large user activities that are not captured out of the box by Activity or RootView tracking.

Screenshot Icon Screenshot

If you have configured mobile screenshots, they will appear in the timeline. They capture user events, and they can also be collected when in automatic mode.

User Interactions


Event Icon Event

If you have enabled the Mobile Agent to capture UI events, you can view the UI events triggered by user interactions in the Timeline. See "Enable User Interaction Capture Mode" (iOS/Android) to learn how to capture UI events.


If automatic screenshots are enabled, touches will be captured and include the screenshot that was captured at the same time. The touches are drawn on the screenshot.

Table Cells

Text Views

Text Fields

Network RequestsNetwork Requests Normal

Normal Network Request Icon Network Request Normal

Network requests include the requested URL, duration, and status details of the HTTP request.

To jump to more Network Requests details, click Jump Network Requests Icon.

Network Requests Slow

Slow Network Request Icon Network Requests Slow

Network Requests Very Slow

Very Slow Network Request Icon Network Requests Very Slow

Network Requests Stall

Stall Network Request Icon Network Requests Stall

Errors And Warnings

Application Not Responding Issues (ANRs)


You can view when the application was non-responsive in the timeline. ANRs are reported when the UI thread does not respond to an event for two seconds or more.

To download or view the ANR Summary, click Download Icon or Jump Network Requests Icon , respectively.


Crash Icon Crash

When an app crashes the subsequent activity will appear in the timeline.

To download or view the Crash Summary, click Download Icon or Jump Network Requests Icon , respectively.


Error Icon Error

If you have reported errors with the Mobile Agent SDKs, the errors will also appear in the timeline. See "Report Errors and Exceptions" (iOS/Android) to learn how to instrument your mobile apps to report errors and exceptions.

To download or view the Error Summary, click Download Icon or Jump Network Requests Icon, respectively.

Custom DataMetrics

Custom Metric Icon Custom Metric

Custom metrics display integer-based data on any metric you define in your application.

Custom Timer Icon Custom Timer

Custom timers display how long something takes between any arbitrary start point and end point, even if they span multiple methods. 
Info Points

Info Point Icon Info Point

Information points display information on how a specific method in your code is performing.

Breadcrumb Icon Breadcrumb

Breadcrumbs are short messages to mark interesting events in a session, controlled by the Breadcrumb APIs in the agent.
System EventsConnection Transition

System Event Icon System Event

Connection transition indicates when a broadband transition has taken place, such as from Wifi to cellular.
Agent Init

System Event Icon System Event

Agent Init indicates when the Mobile Agent was first initialized. It can help with debugging the application lifecycle.

View Options

You can filter the categories in your timeline view by clicking View Options. Check all relevant categories for your search. All view options are checked by default. 

View Options

Search Events

You can search for a specific event Description using the search box located in the top right of the session timeline panel. 

Search Events

Session Summary

You can see a summary of the session by clicking Session Summary

Session Summary

Business Transactions

You can see a list of business transactions in the session if applicable. This tab only appears if you have business transactions in the selected session. 

Click the business transaction name to redirect to the transaction flow map.

Business Transactions


The Charts page provides you with a set of predefined widgets that offer visualizations of the data set you have created. As with the Charts pages of the other Analyze/Session features of the UI, you can delete, re-add, resize, and drag-and-drop to move all of the widgets.
