You may find that some pages have not been monitored as expected. This page may help you determine the reason why these pages have not been monitored.
Verify Pages Have Been Injected
If only some web pages are not reporting data, first verify that those pages have been injected with the JavaScript Agent. See Verifying that the JavaScript Agent for Browser RUM was injected.
Check Exclude Rules
It the agent has been injected, the page may have been excluded from monitoring by custom exclude rules. You can check and modify these rules.
To access custom exclude rules for pages:
- Click Configuration > Instrumentation.
Click the Base Pages and iFrames tab.
From Base Pages and iFrames, check the custom rules under the Exclude Rules section.

- To examine and/or modify a custom exclude rule select it in the list and click the

- If you want to remove a custom exclude rule, select and click Delete.
Check Automatic Injection Configuration
In addition, certain pages could have been excluded by the injection configuration. This can happen when automatic injection is used with a limited set of pages enabled for injection. If you used automatic injection, check your automatic injection configuration to see if the missing pages are enabled for injection.
Examine the Request Match Rules and Request Exclude Rules lists under Only enable Automatic Injection for certain Pages in the Automatic JavaScript Injection tab. See Automatic Injection of the JavaScript Agent. Pages can also be bypassed by assisted injection using injection rules when an injection rule specifies only classes and methods to be injected. If you used assisted injection with injection rules, check your injection rules. See Assisted Injection.
Configure the JavaScript Agent to Monitor Older Browsers
The JavaScript Agent by default supports modern browser and no longer tests or certifies the collection and reporting of data from older browsers. If you find that older browsers are accessing your web pages and that they are not being monitored, you can configure the JavaScript Agent to monitor older browser with the following configuration.
"beacon": { "neverSendImageBeacon": false },
})(window['adrum-config'] || (window['adrum-config'] = {}));