The Home page is the landing page for Cisco Secure Application. This page provides a quick view of the security of the selected application. The following image is an example of the Home page:

Home page

The Home page includes the following panes:

By default, this page displays an overview of the selected application. For information about selecting a specific application or service, see Select Application Scope at Monitor Application Security Using Cisco Secure Application.


The Vulnerabilities pane includes a real-time trend graph that shows the number of both fixed and open vulnerabilities.


The pie chart represents the total number of open vulnerabilities. For example, the preceding image shows 23 open Vulnerabilities.

This chart displays visualization for the number of vulnerabilities based on these severity levels:

  • Critical = Red
  • High = Orange
  • Medium = Yellow
  • Low = Purple

Hover on each severity to view the number of related open vulnerabilities. To display all charts in a pane based on a specific severity, click the severity on the pie chart. To return to the complete chart, click the same severity again.

LIFESPANThis chart displays the number of days the vulnerability is open versus the severity of the vulnerability (critical, high, medium, or low)

This chart displays the number of open tickets versus the number of fixed tickets. This shows the trend of fixing the open vulnerabilities.


The Attacks pane includes the visualization for the number of open attacks.

Currently, the attacks are not captured for a .NET application.


This pie chart represents the total number of open attacks. For example, the preceding image shows 4.5K open attacks.

This chart displays the number of attacks based on these states:

  • Observed = Blue
  • Exploited = Red
  • Blocked = Yellow

Hover on the required state to view the number of open attacks in that state. To display all charts of the data based on a specific state, click the state on the pie chart. To return back to the complete chart, click the same state again.


This chart displays the top 10 applications based on open attacks per application. If you select a specific application scope, then only that application is displayed. To view all the applications, you require to reset the application scope. For more information about changing the scope of the application, see Monitor Application Security Using Cisco Secure Application. These applications are in either an exploited, blocked, or observed state versus the total number of open attacks on the application.

Hover on each state to view the number of blocked, exploited, and observed open attacks.


This chart displays the top 10 attack events that are in an exploited, blocked, or observed state versus the total number of open attacks on the events.

Hover on each state to view the number of blocked, exploited, and observed open attacks.


The Observations pane includes top applications and event types that are observed with malicious activities.


The Applications pane includes the number of nodes of the managed applications.

ENABLED NODESThe number highlights the total number of nodes that have security enabled for the applications. This also displays the number of nodes on which the security setting is disabled.
The number highlights the number of nodes registered with the Cisco Secure Application. This also displays the number of unregistered nodes.
TOTAL ACTIVE NODESThe number highlights the number of nodes that are actively communicating with the Controller. The number with purple color represents the number of active nodes.
SECURED NODESThe number highlights the number secured nodes. This also displays the number of unsecured nodes
TRENDThis displays the number of enabled, supported, active, and secured nodes against the day of the month.