IIS Node Naming

By default, AppDynamics .NET Agent names nodes use a combination of the Windows machine name, the tier name, and the name of the .NET application, as shown in this format:

<machine NetBIOS name>-<tier>-<IIS site>/<app>

However, you may omit elements in the name under these conditions:

  • The app name is omitted when the application is the root application for the IIS site.
  • The tier name is omitted when the tier name is the same as the IIS site name.

These examples show IIS node naming. 

Example 1

WIN-86M7CEJO6P5-Order Server-OrderSvc
  • WIN-86M7CEJO6P5 is the machine NetBIOS name.
  • Order Server is the tier name.
  • OrderSvc is the IIS site name. The application is the site root, so the agent omits the application name.

Example 2

WIN-86M7CEJO6P5-Order Server-Store/ProcessOrder
  • Store is the IIS site name.
  • ProcessOrder is the application name within the site.

Different .NET versions of the same application have their own versions of the CLR and run on independent processes. Therefore, the agent identifies the two processes as different nodes.

IIS Web Gardens

The syntax for web gardens is the same as IIS Nodes, except that the agent appends a zero-based process index to differentiate the worker processes:

<machine NetBIOS name>-<tier>-<IIS site>/<app>-<process index>

When IIS first launches web garden processes, the agent assigns a sequential index to each process. However, when IIS recycles a process, the agent re-uses the available index freed by the terminated process. Therefore, there is no correlation between the index sequence and the chronological start of the process.

Sometimes more nodes display than the maximum number of worker processes. This occurs when a long-running request prevents a process from shutting down before its replacement launches.

Windows Service or Standalone Application Nodes Naming

By default, the agent names Windows service and standalone application nodes as:

<machine NetBIOS name>-<tier>-<Windows service name or executable name>

The agent omits tier when the tier name is the same as the service name or executable name.

These examples show Windows service and standalone application naming.   

Example 1

  • WIN-86M7CEJO6P5 is the machine name.
  • MyWindowsService is the Windows service name.

Example 2

  • WIN-86M7CEJO6P5 is the machine name.
  • MyStandaloneApp.exe is the executable file name.