AppDynamics provides release information for Controller, on-premises, and agent releases, resolved issues, system requirements, and all current product updates. 

Resolved and Known Issues

These are the resolved issues for the agents, the Controller (on-premises or SaaS), and the on-premises platform in the 21.2 release. 

When artifacts are updated, they are listed with their new version numbers in the tables below. Version numbers are also shown in the AppDynamics Downloads Portal.

You can sort the table of resolved issues by key, version, and product, or use the search field to find resolved issues. The most recent releases appear at the top of the page.

Agent Resolved Issues

No results found.

ANALYTICS-13226Java AgentEnabling recommended data collection intermittently affects Transaction Analytics reporting21.2.0
BRUM-6539JavaScript AgentReferenceError: hideCookieBanner is not defined when page is injected with adrum-latest.js21.2.0
BRUM-6552JavaScript AgentExtra value at the end of the app URL set by the ADRUM cookie21.2.0
BRUM-6553JavaScript AgentJavaScript statements inside setTimeout and setInterval run in local scope when adrum is enabled21.2.0
CDM-7032React Native AgentNetworking request responses are corrupted21.2.0
CDM-7033iOS AgentiOS Agent disables SwiftUI previews21.2.0
CDM-7175Android AgentEvents are stored on EventBus even when agent is not initialized21.2.0
DBMON-7552Database AgentThe Database Agent sends the health rule data of a MongoDB replica node even after the node is stopped21.2.0
DBMON-7568Database AgentThe Database Agent log file includes the error, invalid USERENV parameter, for an Oracle collector21.2.0
DBMON-7739Database AgentThe custom metrics value drops to zero intermittently21.2.0
DBMON-7654Database AgentThe Oracle collector log displays an error when Sysmetrics query is used21.2.0
DBMON-7745Database AgentThe Explain another query: field under Execution Plan displays an error without any details for MariaDB21.2.0
DBMON-3801Database AgentThe API Client (/controller/rest/databases/collectors) fails intermittently with java.lang.NumberFormatException21.2.0
DOTNET-4538.NET AgentOptimizations for Async tracking in .NET Core and .NET Framework applications21.2.0
DOTNET-4834.NET AgentFix for high thread contention in certain Async-heavy applications21.2.0
DOTNET-5175.NET AgentFix for analytics data loss in certain cases when the Analytics Agent is recycled and loses communication with the .NET Agent21.2.0
JAVA-9093Java Agent

The User Experience value based on the set threshold limit is incorrect only for those records that do not have a matching transaction snapshot on the APM

JAVA-9037Java Agent

Upgrading the Java Agent to 20.11 displays an exception Error instantiating DispatcherServletInterceptor in the logs

LIBAGENT-490Node.js AgentUnregistered backend metrics appear in the Metric Browser21.2.0


Network AgentNetwork Agent does not support host metrics on Windows21.2.0
NODEJS-324Node.js AgentHTTP Request Data Collectors collect HTTP Parameters Name instead of Display Name21.2.0
PYTHON-498Python AgentJava proxy caches stale agent data21.2.0
PHP-1170PHP Agent

PHP Agent does not support using an environment variable for defining a unique host ID


Controller (SaaS/On-Premises) Resolved Issues

No results found.

ALERT-7111Alert & RespondGarbled characters appear in email template instead of cyrillic string21.2.0
ALERT-7786Alert & Respond

Health rules not available in cache after Controller upgrade

AMCSEV-1260App Monitoring Cloud ServicesTiers Page does not show node details for the nodes after the 10th registered node21.2.0

From the Dashboard, double-clicking "business journey" transactions directs user to Overview page instead of Details dialog


When changing the date format in My Preferences to "DD/MM/YY" and then opening a transaction snapshot in Analytics the error TRS has illegal timeRange is displayed

ANLYTCS_ES-3474Events Service

Some logically incorrect ADQL is validated

BRUM-6410Browser RUMReview of health rules violations from User Experience applications redirects to health rules for Application Performance21.2.0


Cluster Monitoring

Agent registration is prevented while storing Cluster Agent properties in the database

DBMON-7131Database VisibilityAn Incorrect Database Agent version is displayed in the Database Agents setting after upgrading the agent and starting the new agent with the same name21.2.0
DBMON-7222Database Visibility

When configuring Monitoring Operating System for an AWS RDS collector, the required region is not displayed in the list.

Now, the required regions are included and some unnecessary regions are removed from the list.

DBMON-7302Database VisibilityDisk Usage within the database Queries displays an incorrect error message for the PostgreSQL database21.2.0
DBMON-7308Database VisibilityThe Live view session list displays all the active sessions when the View filter is set to All Sessions, but active sessions are not displayed when the filter is set to All Active21.2.0
DBMON-7354Database VisibilityThe Invalid DB error is displayed when saving an action suppression on one of the nodes of the database cluster21.2.0
DBMON-7373Database VisibilityA blank window is displayed when you click Drill Down for a database on the Transactions snapshot21.2.0
DBMON-7517Database VisibilityInconsistent Custom Metric permissions21.2.0
DBMON-7535Database VisibilityThe Exclude Schemas option gets checked after upgrading from old Controller to new Controller21.2.0
DBMON-7549Database VisibilityDuplicate IO Metric entries are displayed for Microsoft SQL Server on the Health Rule configuration page21.2.0
DBMON-7604Database VisibilityCustom Metric not displayed in Custom Metrics tab even though data is displayed in Metric Browser21.2.0
DIAGPLAT-1080APMSearching for snapshots yields inaccurate results for Standard Time Range from Transaction Snapshot21.2.0
DIAGPLAT-1212APM"Internal Server Error" when opening Error Snapshots21.2.0
DIAGPLAT-1229APMCorrect the data population for the "Snapshots Summary View"21.2.6
DIAGPLAT-1279APMServiceEndpoint Snapshots fail to load with the error getRequestSegmentDataListItemsWithFilterHandle21.2.8
L4A-17796AccountsIncrease the container-app version in the Controller 21.2.1
L4A-17838AccountsMultiple entries with same key21.2.1
LIC-647LicensingDBmon license usage reporting does not work with agent-based license rules21.2.3


APMNull Point Error in BtServiceImpl#registerDeleteMdsBtEntityTransactionListener does not allow purge of applications and Business Transactions21.2.0
USERIMPACT-714Experience Journey MapBad Link when clicking View All Applications in Experience Journey Map21.2.0

On-Premises Platform Resolved Issues

No results found.

ANLYTCS_ES-5166Enterprise ConsoleUpdate the Enterprise Controller to use Events Service 20.921.2.4
ECONSOLE-6395Enterprise ConsoleThe Controller monitoring setting in the AppServer configuration is fixed21.2.0
ECONSOLE-6518Enterprise ConsoleCorrect the Enterprise Console's discovery for the latest version of the Events Service 21.2.7
ECONSOLE-6598Enterprise ConsoleUpgrade Node.js to the latest Long-Term Support (LTS) Version 14.17.421.2.8

Known Issues

Synthetic Services (Version 21.2.0)

Change in Synthetic job failure events behavior (in the 20.7.0. version) affects the alerting configurations. This change triggers alerts for wrong events. 

In this release:

  • The events behavior is reverted to the standard behavior in Chrome, IE, and Firefox browsers. The issue still persists in Mobile Browser Emulation. 
  • Non-alphanumeric characters do not display in script logs of the Synthetic sessions.

Agent Enhancements

No results found.


Analytics Agent

The following third-party libraries have been upgraded.

  • com.fasterxml.jackson.core:jackson-databind:2.12.0
  • commons-io:commons-io:2.8.0
  • guava: 30.0-jre
  • httpclient: 4.5.13
  • jackson-core: 2.12.0

  • jackson-databind: 2.12.0

  • jetty-server to 9.4.30.v20200611.jar
  • jetty-webapp to 9.4.33.v20201020.jar
  • junit:junit:4.13.1
  • netty-all: 4.1.55
  • org.apache.ant:ant:1.10.9
  • org.apache.httpcomponents:httpclient:4.5.13
  • org.bouncycastle: bcprov-jdk15on:1.67
  • org.eclipse.jetty:jetty-server:9.4.35.v20201120
  • org.eclipse.jetty:jetty-webapp:9.4.35.v20201120
  • org.exist-db.thirdparty.xerces:xercesImpl:2.12.1
  • org.hibernate: hibernate-validator:6.1.6.Final
Version 21.2.1 - February 25, 2021

Android Agent

Android Agent 21.2.0 released with minor bug fixes and API enhancements:

Manual and automatic screenshots are limited to one screenshot per 10-second interval.

Apache Web Server Agent

There is no release for 21.2.0 yet.

AppDynamics AWS Lambda Extension for Serverless APM

There is no release for 21.2.0 yet.


There is no release for 21.2.0 yet.

Cluster Agent

This release of Cluster Agent includes the following updates:

Cluster Agent is available with the 0.6.7 version of the operator. You can find the list of supported operators for each Cluster Agent at Cluster Agent and the Operator Compatibility Matrix.

The deployment modes for the Cluster Agent Helm chart are now PRIMARY and NAMESPACED instead of MASTER and NAMESPACED. See Install the Cluster Agent with Helm Charts

Version 21.2.0-1997 - February 24, 2021

Cordova Plugin

Cordova Plugin 21.2.1 released with minor fixes and enhancements, and includes the latest version of the iOS and Android Agents. Version 21.2.1 - February 19, 2021

Database Agent

This release of Database Agent collects additional Couchbase metrics. For the list of resolved issues, see Agent Resolved Issues.

Version 21.2.0-2285 - February 17, 2021

Go Language Agent

There is no release for 21.2.0 yet.

IBM Integration Bus Agent 

There is no release for 21.2.0 yet.

iOS Agent

iOS Agent 21.2.0 released. See Resolved and Known Issues and iOS SDK Documentation.

Manual and automatic screenshots are limited to one screenshot per 10-second interval.

Version 21.2.0 - February 16, 2021

Java Agent

Java Agent 21.2.0 adds a new property to truncate the length of SQL statements. For more information, see App Agent Node Properties.

JavaScript Agent

JavaScript Agent 21.2.0 released. See Resolved and Known Issues.

Version 21.2.0 - February 17, 2021

Java Serverless Tracer

There is no release for 21.2.0 yet.

Machine Agent

The Machine Agent has been updated, tested, and certified to work with the following:

    • org.eclipse.jetty:jetty-server 9.4.36.v20210114
    • org.eclipse.jetty:jetty-servlet 9.4.36.v20210114
    • org.eclipse.jetty:jetty-servlets 9.4.36.v20210114
    • org.bouncycastle:bcprov-jdk15on 1.68
    • commons-net:commons-net 3.7.2
    • commons-codec:commons-codec 1.15
    • commons-validator:commons-validator 1.7
    • io.dropwizard:dropwizard-jetty 2.0.18
    • io.dropwizard:dropwizard-util 2.0.18
    • 30.1-jre
    • com.fasterxml.jackson.* 2.12.1
    • io.fabric8:kubernetes-client 4.13.1
Version 21.2.0 - February 25, 2021

.NET Agent 

The .NET 21.2.0 release includes:

  • .NET Agent for Windows on .NET Core now automatically captures errors for loggers implementing the Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.ILogger API. The standard Error Detection configuration options apply.
  • CosmosDB for .NET Core on Windows is supported. 
  • Added optimizations for Async Task tracking and Netviz socket tracking. 

See Resolved and Known Issues.

Version 21.2.0 - February 24, 2021

Network Agent

This release includes no new features, but bug fixes. See Agent Resolved Issues for details.Version 21.2.0 - February 25, 2021

Node.js Agent 

This release includes no new features, but bug fixes. See Agent Resolved Issues for details.Version 21.2.0 - February 25, 2021

Node.js Serverless Tracer

There is no release for 21.2.0 yet.

PHP Agent

This release introduces an environment variable to set a unique host ID for the PHP Agent. See PHP Agent Configuration Settings.Version 21.2.0 - February 24, 2021

Python Agent

This release includes no new features, but bug fixes. See Agent Resolved Issues for details.

Version 21.2.0 - February 2, 2021

Python Serverless Tracer

There is no release for 21.2.0 yet.

React Native Agent

React Native Agent 21.2.1 supports CrashReportCallback to receive a report for native crashes. See Customize the React Native Instrumentation.Version 21.2.1 - February 19, 2021


SAP 21.2.0 released. See Release Notes Version 21.2.0.Version 21.2.0 - February 26, 2021

Synthetic monitoring (Hosted agents)

Chrome browser version 86 is now available. See Chrome Version 86 for details.

Version 21.2.0 - February 16, 2021

Xamarin Agent

Xamarin Agent 21.2.1351 release includes fixes from the 21.2.0 JavaScript Agent, iOS, and Android Agent.

Version 21.2.1351 - February 19, 2021

Controller Enhancements

The Controller releases occur every six weeks. This page lists the SaaS and on-premises Controller enhancements included in the 21.2 release. See Resolved and Known Issues for the 21.2 Controller release.

Agent Installer 

  • Machine Agent is supported in non-sudo installations.
  • Agent Installer supports the Infrastructure Agent.  
  • A new watchdog process is included with the Agent Installer Platform installation to monitor and ensure that agents are running properly.  
  • When installing the Agent Installer Platform with systemd, a profile is created for the watchdog process instead of for individual agents.
  • bash profiles for non-sudo installations are no longer created.


  • You can add alternative milestone events of the same event type.
  • You can configure agent-side metrics in the Metric Browser. For more information, see Troubleshoot Analytics Issues.

Cloud Native Visualization

  • Cloud Native Visualization introduces options to monitor the health and performance of entities. You can create and configure health rules to monitor the health of the entities. You can use anomaly detection to automatically detect anomalies with entities. This helps initiate remediation actions quickly. See 2021-09-03_03-42-28_Configure Entity Health
  • You can now monitor the metrics of AWS instances with both basic (5 minute granularity) and detailed (1 minute granularity) monitoring. See 2021-09-03_03-41-33_Cloud Native Visualization Metrics Overview

Database Monitoring

End User Monitoring

Experience Journey Map

License Management

Controller 21.2.0 includes a new UI for managing infrastructure-based licenses.

Dash Studio (uic - 21.2.0)

Gauge Widget

You can now present metric data on a relative scale using the Gauge widget. See Dash Studio Widgets

Time Range Comparison

This feature is now available for Metric Number widget. See Time Range Comparisons.

On-premises Platform Enhancements

This page lists the on-premises releases that occurred for 21.2. For resolved issues, see On-Premises Platform Resolved Issues.

Enterprise Console

Version 21.2.8 – August 31, 2021

This release includes optimizations and bug fixes. See Resolved and Known Issues for details.

Version 21.2.7 – May 3, 2021

This release includes optimizations and bug fixes. See Resolved and Known Issues for details.

Version 21.2.6 – April 23, 2021

This release includes optimizations and bug fixes. See Resolved and Known Issues for details.

Version 21.2.3 – March 15, 2021

This release includes optimizations and bug fixes. See Resolved and Known Issuees for details.

Version 21.2.2 – March 8, 2021

This release includes optimizations and bug fixes. See Resolved and Known Issues for details.

Version 21.2.1 – February 24, 2021

This release includes optimizations and bug fixes. See Resolved Issues for details.

Version 21.2.0 – February 22, 2021

The following enhancements have been added to the Enterprise Console:

  • MySQL version 5.6.50 and 5.7.32 is now supported.
  • Libncurses and ncurses version 5 and 6 is now supported. 
  • Java Runtime Environment (JRE) version 8u172 is now supported. 

EUM Server

There is no 21.2.0 release of the EUM Server yet.

Events Service

There is no 21.2.0 release of the Events Service yet.

Geo Server

There is no 21.2.0 release of the Geo Server yet.

Synthetic Private Agent

There is no 21.2.0 release of the Synthetic Private Agent yet.

Synthetic Server

This release includes optimizations and bug fixes. See Release Notes for details.