This page covers how you can view, create, and name tiers and nodes. In the Controller UI, Tiers & Nodes lets you view and organize tiers and the monitored nodes within each tier.
View All Tiers and Nodes
To view the list of tiers and nodes, click Tiers & Nodes in the left application panel. The tier list shows all tiers and health data for each tier.
In the tiers list, the Machine Agent column indicates whether the Machine Agent is reporting to the Controller. If the Machine Agent is not reporting, the column is empty. In this case, either an agent is not installed or it is not reporting for some other reason.
You can change descending and ascending order of the list by clicking on any of the columns.
View Tier and Node Dashboards
In Tiers & Nodes, select a tier or node and click Details. The tier and node dashboards contain a flow map view at the tier or node level, including widgets for health statuses, load time, response time, and errors. The Memory tab shows memory information relevant to your application environment. Note that the specific information shown for each environment can vary, depending on the nature of the environment. PHP memory management is different than other languages. The relevant memory metrics supplied by the App Agent for PHP are in the Metric Browser.
Create a Tier
You can create a tier in the AppDynamics model of your environment by specifying the new tier in the agent configuration of your instrumented application (the recommended method). However, you can also create tiers manually by going to Tiers & Nodes > Actions > Create App Server Tier.
After creating a tier, you can add nodes to the tier via the app agent configuration or by reassigning an existing node to the new tier. See the section below.
Naming Node, Tiers and Business Applications in the UI
To rename a business application, tier, or node, see interacting with flow maps.
The UI prevents you from using certain special characters for tier, nodes and business applications names. Besides numbers and upper and lower case characters, the special characters you can use in tier or node names include: