The Controller releases occur every six weeks. This page lists the past SaaS and on-premises Controller enhancements since 20.2. 

21.12 Release


This release includes bug fixes and optimizations. See the 21.12 Controller (SaaS) Resolved Issues for details.


Browser Synthetic Monitoring

You can now display or hide the Schedule End Date column in the job list view.

Browse Real User Monitoring

This release includes a dashboard for monitoring and troubleshooting JavaScript Errors:

  • The JavaScript Error dashboard displays metrics for all JavaScript errors in a browser app.
  • The Summary dashboard displays metrics for a JavaScript error.
  • The Instance table lists each occurrence of a JavaScript error.
  • The Troubleshooting functionality locates the error in an uploaded source map and source file.

Cisco Secure Application

You can now monitor the security of the .NET applications by using Cisco Secure Application. See Application Security Monitoring.

21.11 Release


This release includes bug fixes and optimizations. See 21.11 Controller (SaaS) Resolved Issues for details.


This release includes bug fixes and optimizations. See 21.11 Controller (SaaS) Resolved Issues for details.


This release includes bug fixes and optimizations. See 21.11 Controller (SaaS) Resolved Issues for details.


End User Monitoring

  • A new base-page cookie consent setting for requiring cookie consent for business transaction correlation with End User Monitoring. See Cookie Consent Management.

Database Monitoring

  • You can now view the following roles/states of the replicaset and sharded cluster:

    • primary

    • secondary

    • startup

    • recovering

    • startup2

    • unknown

    • arbiter

    • down

    • rollback

    To view these roles on the Topology tab, you need the Database Agent >= 21.9.0.


  • A new setting to prioritize Machine and Cluster Agent consumption of an infrastructure-based license. See the "Machine/Cluster Agent Prioritization" section on License Rules.

AppDynamics Mobile Application Enhancements

The AppDynamics 21.11.0 mobile application documentation is enhanced:

  • User documentation includes the flag to enable push notifications
  • General improvements

AppDynamics iOS Sample App Enhancements

The AppDynamics 1.0 iOS Sample App was released on November 17, 2021. 

Synthetic Monitoring

This release introduces a new Synthetic API Monitoring product. Synthetic API monitoring can be used to monitor the availability and performance of public or private APIs. See Synthetic API monitoring.

21.10 Release


Agent Installer 

This release includes APIs to support upgrades for the Machine Agent and Java Agent on the Linux environment. See Agent Installer Platform Service API

Dash Studio

This release includes these enhancements to the Metric Number widget:

21.9 Release


This release includes bug fixes and optimizations. See 21.9 Controller (SaaS) Resolved Issues for details.


This release includes bug fixes and optimizations. See 21.9 Controller (SaaS) Resolved Issues for details.


This release includes bug fixes and optimizations. See 21.9 Controller (SaaS) Resolved Issues for details.


This release includes bug fixes and optimizations. See 21.9 Controller (SaaS) Resolved Issues for details.


This release includes an improved URL filter for APIs and fixes some bugs. See the 21.9 Controller (SaaS) Resolved Issues for details.


This release includes bug fixes and optimizations. See 21.9 Controller (SaaS) Resolved Issues for details.

21.8 Release


This release includes bug fixes and optimizations. See the 21.8.4 resolved issues given in 21.8 Controller (SaaS) Resolved Issues for details.


This Controller release includes an improved URL filter for APIs and fixes some bugs. See the 21.8.3 resolved issues given in 21.8 Controller (SaaS) Resolved Issues for details.


This Controller release includes improved URL filter for APIs. See PLATSE-224 in the 21.8 Controller (SaaS) Resolved Issues for details.


The Controller has upgraded jQuery to 3.5.1 and AngularJS to 1.8.2. See 21.8 Controller (SaaS) Resolved Issues.


License Management

License error messages have been updated for infrastructure-based licenses. See License Errors and Troubleshooting.

License Entitlements

The Mobile Real User Monitoring Pro (SaaS) retention entitlement has changed for Event Data. See License Entitlements and Restrictions.

Dash Studio

Experience Journey Map

You can now filter Experience Journey Map by region and city. See Filter User Journeys.

21.7 Release

Controller 21.7.0 Release

Dash Studio

With this release, you can: 

  • Access tests from every account group instead of just the default account group.
  • Click on the Metric Number widget to access the ThousandEyes dashboard.

See Configure the ThousandEyes Dashboard

21.6 Release

Controller 21.6.5 Release

The 21.6.5 released with upgrades to JavaScript libraries and several bug fixes. See Past Resolved and Known Issues by Release.

Controller 21.6.4 Release

The 21.6.4 released with a bug fix. See MQS-1273 in Past Resolved and Known Issues by Release

Controller 21.6.3 Release

The 21.6.3 released with bug fixes. See ANALYTICS-13663 and LIC-1257 in Past Resolved and Known Issues by Release.

Controller 21.6.2 Release

The 21.6.2 released with a bug fix. See IAM-1926 in Past Resolved and Known Issues by Release.

Controller 21.6.1 Release

The 21.6.1 released with bug fixes. See DBMON-8138 and MQS-1267 in Past Resolved and Known Issues by Release.

Controller 21.6.0 Release


With an infrastructure-based license and Controller >= 21.6.0, you can use a new API to retrieve license usage information by application and by host. See License API

Database Visibility 

The user interface of the Queries Execution Plan window for Oracle and MSSQL database is updated as part of the explain plan enhancements. See Database Query Execution Plan Window.

21.5 Release

Controller 21.5.6 Release

The 21.5.6 released with upgraded JavaScript libraries and bug fixes. See Past Resolved and Known Issues by Release for details.

Controller 21.5.5 Release

The 21.5.5 released with a bug fix. See IAM-1925 in Past Resolved and Known Issues by Release.

Controller 21.5.4 Release

The 21.5.4 released with a bug fix. See EUMPLAT-2086 in Past Resolved and Known Issues by Release.

Controller 21.5.3

The 21.5.3 released with a bug fix. See MQS-1268 in Past Resolved and Known Issues by Release.

Controller 21.5.2

The 21.5.1 released with bug fixes. See DBMON-8137 and DBMON-8139 in Past Resolved and Known Issues by Release.

Controller 21.5.1

The 21.5.1 released with a bug fix. See MQS-1261 in Past Resolved and Known Issues by Release.

Controller 21.5.0

License Management

For infrastructure-based licenses in Controller 21.5.0:

  • The license summary drill-down dashboard allows you to filter usage data by time and view a list of agents connected to a license rule. 
  • When looking at license usage and license rules, you can view and sort applications with analytics enabled.

Database Visibility

The Controller audit report can fetch the audit log for the Remove literal flag. See Controller Audit Log and Configure Query Literals Security.

The user interface is updated. You can:

21.4 Release

Account Management Enhancements

AppDynamics has enhanced user management and security for customers choosing to use AppDynamics to authenticate their users.

Enhanced Security

  • You can now have a single user identity for all your SaaS Tenants and across your entire SaaS environment.
  • You can have a single identity extended to the Account Management Portal.
  • All first user accounts authorize using a validated email.
  • Administrators can no longer create or update user passwords. Users now create and update their own passwords using an updated password security policy. 

Enhanced User Management

Administrators can now:

  • Use a single interface to centrally manage all their users regardless if they have rights on the Tenants themselves.
  • Delete users that have an inactive status.
  • View Tenants and licenses associated with users.

Experience Journey Map

  • (SaaS only) You can create custom views to filter the Experience Journey Map by specified user journeys. See Create a Custom View.
  • You can filter the Experience Journey Map by custom user data. See Custom User Data Filter.

Database Visibility Enhancement

License Management

  • When viewing license usage, you can customize the time range on the License Summary dashboard.

ThousandEyes Integration with AppDynamics

AppDynamics and ThousandEyes integration delivers a full-stack solution, which enables you to identify network-related performance issues to reduce the impact on critical applications. See ThousandEyes Integration with AppDynamics.

21.3 Release

Dash Studio (21.3.1)

Simple Navigations

You can now navigate from one dashboard to the other using Single Click Action option. See Dash Studio Widgets.

Dash Studio (21.3.0)

You can now set performance baselines in a Time Series widget by adding a Threshold value. See Dash Studio Widgets.

Cisco Secure Application

AppDynamics introduces Cisco Secure Application to monitor the security of APM-managed applications. The data from the managed application is scanned for any security issues and displayed in a real-time dashboard. Secure Application is bundled within the Java Agent and is available from the 21.3.0 release onwards with the purchase of an additional SKU.

21.2 Release

Agent Installer 

  • Machine Agent is supported in non-sudo installations.
  • Agent Installer supports the Infrastructure Agent.  
  • A new watchdog process is included with the Agent Installer Platform installation to monitor and ensure that agents are running properly.  
  • When installing the Agent Installer Platform with systemd, a profile is created for the watchdog process instead of for individual agents.
  • bash profiles for non-sudo installations are no longer created.


  • You can add alternative milestone events of the same event type.
  • You can configure agent-side metrics in the Metric Browser. For more information, see Troubleshoot Analytics Issues.

Database Monitoring

  • The top query statistics report for Oracle database now displays only the following statistic type data:
  • You can use the SRV Record option for MongoDB. See Configure MongoDB Collectors
  • Additional Couchbase metrics are added for the database monitoring. See Couchbase Metrics at Database Monitoring Metrics.

End User Monitoring

Experience Journey Map

License Management

Controller 21.2.0 includes a new UI for managing infrastructure-based licenses.

Dash Studio (21.2.0)

Gauge Widget

You can now present metric data on a relative scale using the Gauge widget. See Dash Studio Widgets.

Time Range Comparison

This feature is now available for Metric Number widget. See Time Range Comparisons.

21.1 Release

Dash Studio (21.1.0)

Grouped Widgets

You can now group two or more widgets on a single card or on their respective cards. See Dash Studio Widgets.

Label Widget

You can now apply these properties to modify the appearance of the Label widget:

  • Font Color
  • Font Size
  • Horizontal Alignment
  • Vertical Alignment

See Dash Studio Widgets.

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