You can use Analytics to query your Browser Request event data and create a JavaScript exception and error summary dashboard.

This procedure assumes that you have configured and enabled the reporting of the JavaScript errors for Browser RUM and that JavaScript errors exist in the Events Service.

Using ADQL, you can search for the errors and then export a chart visualizing the results to a custom dashboard.

  1. From the Analytics tab in the Controller UI, click Add to access the Analytics Search page.
  2. Select Advanced mode and enter the following query:
    SELECT scripterrordata.message, count(*) FROM browser_records WHERE scripterrordata.message IS NOT NULL. The results are shown on the Visualization tab similar to the following:
  3. Select the chart type you prefer to visualize the results.
  4. From the Actions menu, click Add to Dashboard and either create a new dashboard or add it to your existing dashboard.
    Now you can customize the dashboard as needed with labels or other widgets and data.

You can also leverage additional fields such as scripterrordata.origin or pagename to group the errors together. The additional fields are:

  • scripterrordata.linenumber
  • scripterrordata.origin
  • scripterrordata.timestamp