This page describes Controller Admin settings that are specific to Server Visibility. You can apply these settings and permissions from the Account tab in the Controller Administration UI. 

You need the root user password to change these settings.
Changes to the settings take effect the next time the Agent is restarted and connects to the Controller. 

You cannot set all configuration properties at the account-level. Check the Description column for each property to determine whether you can enable a specific Server Visibility Property. See Create and Manage Custom Roles and Create and Manage Tenant Users.

To change the Controller Admin settings for Machine Agents, see Controller Settings for Machine Agents.

Server Visibility PropertyDescriptionDefault
sim.docker.enabledEnable Docker Visibility. See Monitor Containers with Docker Visibility.true
sim.docker.machine.container.limitThe global limit for the number of containers to monitor per machine. You can specify this in the Access the Administration Console as a Controller setting (all accounts) or as an account setting for individual accounts. The maximum limit you can specify is 120 containers.15
(previously known as sim.docker.infraMode.enabled) 
When set to true, allows you to monitor APM containers only. If the value is set to false, monitors all the containers on the machine except the Machine Agent container. You can apply this property at an account level and enable the monitoring of containers with and without APM. This property was formerly named sim.docker.infraMode.enabled.true

When this setting is enabled, Controller stack traces are sent in the error response when a client request encounters an error.

Setting this to true is a security risk, and should only be set to true if you understand the consequences, and if directed by a Support Engineer.


The global maximum for the number of process classes collected per machine.

  • If maxClasses (global setting in Controller) is lower than maxNumberMonitoredClasses (local setting in serverMonitoringConfig.yml), the local setting is overridden and the global MaxClasses is the effective maximum for that machine.
  • If maxClasses (global) is higher than maxNumberMonitoredClasses (local), the local setting is the effective maximum for that machine.

See Machine Agent Settings for Server Visibility

Increasing this setting can affect the resource consumption of your deployment. Before you increase this setting, verify that your application environment and Controller can process the increased resource requirements.


When using Docker Visibility, if the unique host ID setting is not configured to use container ID in host network mode, the Machine Agent automatically registers the container using the container ID as the host ID.

This setting was introduced in version 20.8 of the Controller, with the default value = false. As of Controller >= 20.11 the default value is true. If set to true any container with setting --network=host and Machine Agent version is <= 20.6 the container does not register.


A maximum number of machines allowed per account. Any additional machines will not appear. If you have more than 2000 machines reporting to one Controller and need to increase this number, be aware that you might need to increase the sim.machines.registrations.maxPerSecondPerAccount setting as well.

Changing this setting can affect the resource consumption of your deployment. Before you change this setting, verify your application environment and Controller can process the increased resource requirements.

sim.machines.deleteStaleMachines.maxLimitSet the number of machines to be deleted every 10 minutes, which is one cycle of the purger. For better performance, you can purge up to 700 machines per cycle.100

Sets the Dynamic Monitoring Mode and Server Visibility default on the Controller. The allowable settings are:

  • KPI – Collect Key Performance Indicator metrics only
  • DIAGNOSTIC – Collect KPI and Diagnostic metrics
  • ADVANCED_DIAGNOSTIC –  Collect All available metrics

You must enter one of these exact strings. If you enter a different value (such as "advanced-diagnostic"), the Controller will not update the setting and some servers might not appear in the Servers list.

sim.machines.dmm.dmmAllowedWith this option enabled, the Controller collects metrics from each Standalone Machine Agent based on the Dynamic Monitoring Mode and Server Visibility setting on that Agent. If this option is disabled, the Controller collects all available metrics from each Agent. false

With this option enabled, the Controller throws an exception if a Standalone Machine Agent tries to register with the Controller while both of the following conditions are true: 

  1. A .NET Agent on the same machine is already registered with the same <host-id> specified for the Standalone Machine Agent, and
  2. .NET Compatibility Mode is disabled on either the Controller or the Standalone Machine Agent.

The generated exception acts as a reminder that that .NET Compatibility Mode mode must be enabled on both the Controller and the Standalone Machine Agent.

Do not disable this option unless instructed by AppDynamics Support.

sim.machines.hostidMappingAllowedYou must enable this mode if you want to collect and view Machine or Server metrics on a server with Machine and .NET Agents installed. See .NET Compatibility Mode.true
sim.machines.offline.toStaleTimeoutMillisHow much time, in milliseconds, to wait before considering an offline machine to be stale and marked for deletion. If this value is too high, it prevents fresh data from coming in. If the value is too short, it means less history.

172800000 ms (2 days)

sim.machines.registrations.hashCache.enabledPrevent subsequent registration requests from fetch data and compare if nothing has changed in the request payload.true

Set the maximum number of registrations allowed per second per account. This setting controls the rate at which concurrent registrations are processed and prevents one account on a multi-tenant Controller from monopolizing resources needed to register the Agents.

The default value assumes that the Machine Agents are started evenly across a minute. If you are running 2000 or more machines, you may need to increase this setting to 600/sec. A suggested formula is: ( (number of Machine Agents, version 4.2 or higher / 60) ).

If you use a deployment script that starts all your Agents within a few seconds of each other, you may need to further adjust the max registrations per second.

Changing this setting can affect the resource consumption of your deployment. Before you change this setting, verify your application environment and Controller can process the increased resource requirements.

sim.machines.registrations.update.frequencyControls how often the machine's last seen timestamp is updated, regardless of stale timeout value. This setting passes machine availability information to the Controller at the specified frequency instead of polling machine availability at every minute of agent and Controller interaction. This reduces performance overhead on the Controller.

86400000 ms (1 day)


Reuse SIM Machine entities to handle the ephemeral environment. Support is currently limited to Docker container machines.

If set to false, every new container will be considered a new machine.

sim.machines.simAllowedThis setting allows you to enable or disable Server Visibility from the Controller.true
sim.machines.stale.purgeIntervalMillisAn interval in milliseconds that determines when stale machines are deleted from the Controller database. If the duration of this value is too short, it might overload the server. If the value is too high, then stale machines are deleted more slowly.

21600000 ms

(6 hours)

sim.machines.tags.maxPerAccountThe maximum number of unique tags per account.1000
sim.machines.tags.maxPerMachineThe maximum number of tags per machine.50
sim.metrics.metricBrowser.machineMetricMappings.enabledEnables or disables the Metric Browser to display the metrics reported per machine. When this feature is enabled, tier level aggregated metrics, available under Tier node in the Server metric browser, are not visible. With Streamlined Browsing enabled, the Hardware Resources and Custom Metrics folders do not display.true or disables the persistence of custom metric values to machines monitored by Server Visibility. 
If the setting is:
  • true: The collector stores and displays custom metric values for applications and machines. Custom metrics are displayed in Metric Browsers for both Applications and Server Visibility.
  • false: The collector stores and displays custom metric values for applications only. Custom metrics are displayed in the Metric Browser for Applications only (not for Server Visibility).

Disable this setting if you are collecting a lot of custom metrics. This will prevent potential spikes in the number and rate of metric values stored for individual machines.

sim.metrics.trackRegisteredEnabledEnable Streamlined Browsing for node metrics. Use this option when you are browsing metrics for tiers that contain multiple nodes. false
sim.perAccountProperty.enabledEnables a user to configure properties at an account level.true


The interval in milliseconds for the per Account Property data to sync with a database.300000


Enables syncing the per Account Property data with a database in the background. For better performance, set this value to true.true
sim.processes.bulkDelete.enabledDelete processes in bulk instead of fetching one by one. For better performance, set this value to true.true
sim.processes.delete.maxCountSet the maximum number of processes to be deleted every 10 minutes, which is one cycle of the purger. For better performance, set the delete maxCount processes value to 55000 per cycle.10000
sim.processes.count.maxPerAccountThe maximum number of processes stored per account.300000

The maximum number of processes that each Machine Agent can monitor.

Increasing this setting can affect the resource consumption of your deployment. Before you increase this setting, verify that your application environment and Controller can process the increased resource requirements.


The maximum number of processes that can be registered simultaneously by the Controller. The default is 5000 processes. The Machine Agent will retry to register the processes if the first attempt fails. Until the process request is accepted and processed by the Controller, processes within that request will be missing from the Process Details page. The limit works as follows:

Case 1: Machine Agent sends a request with 6000 processes to register, and the limit is set to 5000, then this request is rejected until the limit is increased.

Case 2: Two Machine Agents (MA1 and MA2) each try to register 3000 processes and the limit is set to 5000. Both MA1 and MA2 requests are received by the Controller and only one of the requests will be processed (3000 + 3000 > 5000). So, the Controller can only process one request and rejects the other one.

Case 3: Two Machine Agents (MA1 and M2) each try to register 500 processes and the limit is set to 5000. Both requests arrived at the Controller and since 500 + 500 < 5000, then both requests are processed, and the processes are registered.

sim.processes.query.maxResultLimitThe maximum number of processes that the UI can show (for example, in the Server Dashboard > Processes tab). Suppose the time range is 2 weeks and the Agent reported over 10000 processes during that interval. If maxResultLimit = 5000, the UI will show 5000 processes.5000
sim.processes.registrations.maxPerSecondPerAccountSet the maximum number of process requests handled per second per account. For better performance, set to 600/sec. On a multi-tenant Controller, the total number of Agents per second should not exceed 600/sec.60/sec
sim.processes.stale.purgeIntervalMillisThe number of milliseconds between consecutive deletes of stale processes for an account.3600000 ms (1 hour) 
sim.processes.terminated.toStaleTimeoutMillisThe number of milliseconds before a terminated process is considered stale and can be deleted to make space for new data.172800000 ms
(2 days)