This page describes Mobile RUM licenses. For AppDynamics official license details, entitlements, and restrictions, see:

License Types

License TypeLicense EditionMetering UnitDescription
Mobile RUM (SaaS and on-premises)ProActive Agents

A Mobile RUM (Pro) license is based on "Active Agents". An "Active Agent" means a unique installation of an application instrumented with a Mobile RUM that was launched on a device in a given calendar month. With a Mobile RUM (Pro) license, you have up to 5,000 Active Agents per month.


One Lite license unit includes access to the Crash Dashboard and Crash Snapshots (covering the previous 365 days) for 2 million Active Agents.

Usage Period

The Mobile RUM usage period begins and the meter resets on the first of each month at 12:00 am PST. When your license consumption reaches 90% of your monthly Active Agent allocation, you will see a warning in the Mobile RUM dashboard.

Optimize License Consumption for Mobile RUM 

License consumption is affected when you have one instrumented application installed on multiple devices, multiple applications on the same device, or uninstalls followed by reinstalls:

  • If you install one instrumented application on two devices within a month, each device uses one Monthly Active Agent.

  • If you uninstall and then reinstall an instrumented application multiple times within a month, each reinstall uses one Monthly Active Agent.

  • If you install two different instrumented applications on the same device within a month, each instrumented application consumes one Monthly Active Agent.

Through SDKs, you can customize application instrumentation to choose which agents send data. For further instructions, see: