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If you use the pyagent run command to instrument your application, the proxy is automatically started when you start the agent.

However, you may need to arrange to start the proxy separately from the agent. The most likely reason you would need to do this is because your Python environment uses uWSGI with Emperor or Apache with mod_wsgi. You can do so using the pyagent run command described here. Only use this command only if you need to launch the proxy manually. 

Directory Configuration Setting

The command you use to start the proxy needs to read the directory configuration setting, APPD_DIR, the base directory for the AppDynamics Python Agent configuration. Make sure it is correctly set. The default is /tmp/appd/.

You can make this setting available to the proxy by:

  • Setting the environment variable APPD_DIR  manually.
  • Setting the APPD_CONFIG_FILE environment variable to point to the configuration file and then setting the base directory in the configuration file. See Install the Python Agent.
  • Passing in the path to the configuration file to the pyagent proxy command using -c ( —config-file ) option.

Start, Stop, and Restart Options for the pyagent Proxy

To start, stop, or restart the proxy, use the pyagent run command, passing the desired operation and any options. The options include: 

  • —debug (-d): starts the proxy in debugging mode
  • —no-watchdog: disables the proxy watchdog (not recommended)
  • —config-file (-c): path to the Python Agent configuration file


pyagent proxy start|stop|restart start_options  -- [jvmOption [jvmOption [...] ]


pyagent proxy start -c appdynamics.config -d
pyagent proxy restart -c appdynamics.config -d
pyagent proxy stop -c appdynamics.config