Agent Scopes are used to determine which agents use the CLM source rules. You can group your deployed Analytics Agents into scopes, then assign source rules to the scopes. While creating an agent scope, you are given an option to either choose agents from a static list or to add agents dynamically by specifying matching rules.

Static Agent Scopes 

The Available Agents list is populated with the Analytics Agents reporting to your controller. You can use this list to add currently available agents to a scope.

Dynamic Agent Scopes

You can specify match conditions where registered Analytics Agents that match the rule are automatically added to, or excluded from, the scope. Analytics Agents that register with your Controller in the future, with characteristics that match the scope criteria, will also be added to the scope.You can match on agent name, unique host ID, or IP address.

The available operators for the matching conditions include regular expressions (regex) and Classless Inter-Domain Routing (CIDR) notation. CIDR is a compact notation for an IP address and its associated routing prefix.

The match conditions are additive, so exclusions will take precedence over inclusions. An agent must satisfy all conditions to be included. For example, an agent named ABC would not be included in the scope if you specify something similar to the following conditions:

  • include name equals 'ABC''
  • include name that ends with 'D'

Define Agent Scopes

To add an Agent Scope
  1. From the Controller top navigation bar, click Analytics.
  2. From the left navigation panel, click Configuration > Log Analytics > Agent Scopes.
  3. Click +Add.
    You see the Add Agent Scope pane where you can specify how you want to add agents: from a static list or dynamically by specifying match rules.
  4. To add specific agents, select Choosing specific agents and move agents from the list of Available Agents to the list of Selected Agents to define the scope.
  5. To add agents dynamically, select Specifying rules to match agents and specify your matching rules.

  6. Name the Agent Scope and Save.