This page describes how to install the Cluster Agent using the Kubernetes CLI which is an alternative to Install the Cluster Agent with Helm Charts.


Before you begin, verify that you have:

Installation Procedure

  1. If you have not already installed the metrics-server, then install it. See for the most recent installation instructions.

    kubectl apply -f
  2. Download the Kubernetes or OpenShift Cluster Agent bundle from the Download portal, unzip the contents of the bundle to the current directory:

    unzip appdynamics-cluster-agent-alpine-linux-<version>.zip
  3. Create a namespace for appdynamics in your cluster:

    kubectl create namespace appdynamics
  4. Install the Cluster Agent Operator using the correct Kubernetes and OpenShift version (where applicable):

    kubectl create -f cluster-agent-operator.yaml
    kubectl create -f cluster-agent-operator-openshift.yaml
    kubectl create -f cluster-agent-operator-openshift-1.15-or-less.yaml

    You can also install Cluster Agent Operator from OpenShift OperatorHub in your OpenShift cluster.

  5. Based on the Account Access Key for the Controller, create the Controller Access Key Secret that the Cluster Agent reports to:

    kubectl -n appdynamics create secret generic cluster-agent-secret --from-literal=controller-key=<access-key>
  6. Edit cluster-agent.yaml to set the Cisco AppDynamics Controller details for the Cluster Agent to report to.
    a. Set the nsToMonitorRegex option to include the namespaces you want to monitor.
    b. Set the image tag to the version you are installing
    . Refer to Docker Hub for the latest version of the image tag.
    For additional configuration tasks, such as configuring SSL for on-premises Controllers, proxy support, or pull secrets, see Configure the Cluster Agent.

    This example assumes the use of the pre-built Cluster Agent image on Docker Hub. See Cluster Agent Container Image to build your own image.

    kind: Clusteragent
      name: k8s-cluster-agent
      namespace: appdynamics
      appName: "dev-cluster"
      controllerUrl: ""
      account: "my-account"
      # docker image info where, <version> is the image tag version that you are installing
      image: "<version>"
      serviceAccountName: appdynamics-cluster-agent
      nsToMonitorRegex: namespace1|namespace2
      stdoutLogging: "true"
  7. Install the Cluster Agent:

    kubectl create -f cluster-agent.yaml

See Validate the Cluster Agent Installation to validate and troubleshoot the installation. Once the install is validated, see Container Installation Options for options to install App Server Agents in applications in the cluster.